Seeing the other post here about YouTuber that went downhill and seeing content creators I am familiar with makes me sad. But how about those that still makes great, high quality content?
Technology Connections
Absolutely love him.
One of the most informative channels I’ve ever watched. I recommend his dishwasher video, because everybody is doing it wrong.
Been on reddit for over a decade, never heard of this channel. On lemmy since a few weeks, I keep reading about him and his dishwasher video at least twice a week.
And yes, I’ve watched it a couple of weeks ago, it is good. I’ll have to watch some of his other videos sometimes
His one about basic style rice makers is fantastic
Always knew those pods sucked for more money. He did convert me to the powder tho
He’s a big Fediverse guy, too. Very active on Mastodon.
Was going to comment this
I love watching Lets Plays and HCBailly is the best let’s player. His quality has only gone up over the years and his consistent upload schedule leaves nothing to be desired. He’s under rated and deserves 3 million subs.
EthosLab - most authentic Minecraft YouTuber around. No trash clickbait, cringeworthy attempts to appeal to children, ad spam, etc. Just a dude chilling out and playing Minecraft.
Battle(non)sense - Tests various input lag reduction tech + strategies. Input Lag: Low DPI vs High DPI - turns out increasing your DPI can significantly reduce input lag! AMD AntiLag+ vs Nvidia Reflex - turns out not only does AMD’s solution trigger anti-cheat, but it also offen increases system latency.
Marblr - High quality analysis of weird game behavior. Mostly Overwatch for now. Overwatch: The Effectiveness of Shield Spinning
People Make Games - Videos about games and the gaming industry. Highly accessible to folks not familiar with the industry. Making Sense of VR Chat, the Metaverse People Actually Like
NoClip - Crowd funded feature length video game documentaries. Making of Horizon Zero Dawn
ColinFurze - builds crazy stuff and does an amazing job of it! Currently building an underground garage at his house that connects to his underground tunnel system.
I Did a Thing - Australian man with a great sense of humor. Makes ridiculous stuff. Giant Beyblade destroys stuff
…more in Honytawk’s comment below
Science + Technology
Applied Science - In depth videos about random science-y things this dude finds interesting. No clickbait, just an excited dude talking about a project he tried.
Atomic Frontier - A lot like Tom Scott. He’s also a rare case where the video is more interesting than the title/thumbnail. Generally focused on science-y topics + has shockingly high production value considering the dude seems to be an overworked college student.
NileRed/NileBlue - Crazy in depth chemistry videos. Personally find NileBlue more entertaining as he tends to explore things he’s not that great at.
Practical Engineering - Explanations of various civil engineering concepts.
Krazam - Legendary comedy channel focused on software engineering related topics. Most famous video - microservices.
You Suck At Cooking - Short videos presenting recipes in an entertaining way.
Studio Binder ; High quality videos about all things movie/video production. Owned by a movie production software company so you’re gonna see ads for it in every video but SponsorBlock gets rid of that with no issues. Ultimate Guide to Camera Movement - Every Technique Explained
Makes great visual math videos. Without him I would have never studied electronics.
Colin Furze (inventor with crazy ideas)
Anna Cramling (chess streamer)
Colin Furze takes oil money.
Seems like he’s been doing his thing for the entire existence of the internet. Silly little flash animations and games in the early 2000’s and now his ‘true facts’ of animals videos. Seems to keep true to his own style, ever evolving as it may be, but always similar- and maybe thats what I find comforting- he’s been there for most of the 20+ years I’ve been ‘surfin the web’, as the kids like to say.
I was hoping someone would post ZeFrank! His True Facts series is exactly what education content should be - entertaining, interesting, funny, and most importantly, rigorously sourced and credited to the real life scientists and researchers he bases his info on.
For more animal facts, check out Isabella Rossellini “Green Porno”. A little more risqué, and a different kind of humor, though interesting and educational as well. It was a Sundance thing from about 10 years ago that was semi ‘viral’ at the time.