As if people with anxiety don’t have enough to worry about, a new study is adding to that list — suggesting the disorder may nearly triple the risk of developing dementia years later.

The research, to the authors’ knowledge, is the first to look into the association between different severities of anxiety and dementia risk over time, and the effect of the timing of anxiety on this risk, according to the study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society(opens in a new tab).

“Anxiety can now be considered a non-traditional risk factor for dementia,” said Dr. Kay Khaing, lead study author and a specialist geriatrician at Hunter New England Health in Newcastle, Australia, via email.

More than 55 million people worldwide have dementia, a number expected to increase to 139 million by 2050. With the condition also being a leading cause of death, researchers and health professionals have directed their focus toward prevention, particularly by addressing risk factors such as anxiety or lifestyle habits.

    7 months ago

    Right? It didn’t help me! Growing old, then having dementia or alzheimer’s but still alive and thinking I’m thinking, has already been a fear of mine. Especially always knowing I would never have kids, thus no chance of anyone to be around to help, besides strangers. And, probably at whatever gov. med. level of care, as I cannot ever seem to make any real progress in bettering our financial situation. But, I’d rather be aware of it than ignorant to it.

    • Flying
      7 months ago

      You shouldn’t rely on your adult kids to help you either. If they can, it’s great. But they have their own lives and jobs and possibly kids themselves. I don’t think you should expect them to help you. It’s nice if they can, but I will tell my daughter if I need someone to care for me that I do not want her to feel any obligation to do it herself. If I have to end up in a state nursing home, so be it. Life can suck.

        7 months ago

        I’m not going into a home. I’d rather my kids give me a handgun for Christmas if they are convinced I can’t care for myself any more.

            7 months ago

            Nope. But I’ve seen my great grandparents and grandparents go through it. Just fucking laying around watching price is right between naps and pills. Fuck all that. It’s not living.

            I’m not afraid of death. I am afraid to live like that.