• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Zionism is Fascism linked to ethnicity - ethno-Fascism - same as the NAZIs, whilst Mussolini’s version was traditional Fascism which is linked to nationalism.

    The rabid racism, feelings of ethnic superiority and dehumanization of other specific ethnicities of ethno-Fascism result in far more cold and murderous behavior than mere nationalism.

    All this is why we see from the Zionists the same kind of unbelievably murderous almost-inhuman behaviour, the same general extreme racist argumentation and even the same accusing of their critics of being against their ethnicity as the NAZIs.

    The closest traditional Fascists get that is accusing their critics of being against their nation, but beyond that you don’t see anywhere near the level or rabid murderous violence against others merely because of their nationality or ethnicity from traditional Fascist as you see from ethno-Fascists.

    Simply compare Russia’s behavior in Ukraine with Israel’s behavior in Gaza to see the veritable universe of difference in how murderous and uncaring both kinds of Fascist are, over the entire chain of command all the way down to the lowest foot soldier in their violence against the “other”, even if both kinds are are aggressive and violent: the Russians have targeted children maybe once or twice, from afar (i.e. missile attacks on schools) whilst the Israelis regularly bomb schools and playgrounds and their snipers shoot on the heads children who are simply playing inside their own homes: direct murdering if children whilst seeing their faces is a whole different level of inhumane behavior.