Kbin/Mbin (and possibly others?) definitely have the edge here since those platforms make votes public (only admins can see them on Lemmy). So, if you want to confirm what I’m saying here, go view some of these posts from Kbin/Mbin.

Every time one of the “usual suspects” says stuff like this in the comments, there will later be posts detailing how Biden is doing (or at least earnestly trying to do) exactly the things they’re saying he needs to be doing (oR ElSe i WiLl noT voTE anD NEithER ShoULD yoU!!!11!!). 100% of the time, those posts are downvoted by these same “usual suspect” accounts.

What gives? They have very strong opinions about how he should run his administration, so you’d think they’d appreciate him doing what they’ve been so helpfully suggesting. Unless…it was never about the issues at all.

That thin veneer of concern they’re hiding behind is not as thick as they think it is and is quite easy to see through. Now you know where to look.

Edit: Please don’t name and shame any specific users. That may violate the community or LW rules. We all know who most of the “usual suspects” are.

  • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
    5 days ago

    There are plenty of reasons why Biden isn’t that bad. And I’ve seen enough people list them that I don’t feel I should waste the time. The information is very easy to obtain…

    And Trump IS worse. News flash… BOTH things can be true.

    Now in MY experience, most… and I said MOST criticism about Biden is about one single thing.


    And it’s mostly from people that have no history of showing any support for Palestine prior to several months ago. Also, it’s from people that have no viable solutions to the question of who we should vote for if not Biden.

    Because not voting doesn’t cancel an election.

    And you’re absolutely right. He 100% should do better. And he should be held accountable for the things he could have done better- in whatever way is fair and just- But when you’re in the middle of a hurricane, you don’t removed at FEMA for not sending people to drain your flooded basement. You endure what you have to to get through it.

    We need to get through this.


    To the actual far lefters, I’d say:

    We are risking losing our entire democracy. This isn’t something to hold hostage in a negotiation over foreign affairs. I’d suggest you take this shit seriously- the genocide will be MUCH worse due to willful inaction. And you won’t have anyone to blame but yourselves.

    To the “far lefters” that are actually MAGA bots here to disrupt our election:

    You’re not fooling anyone.

    • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      And it’s mostly from people that have no history of showing any support for Palestine prior to several months ago.


    • hark@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      I love that you’re gatekeeping caring about genocide. This just goes to show how amazing of a job biden is doing that you can rationalize defending genocide with “actually the people who are anti-genocide are the real bad guys because they don’t actually care, according to me”.

      • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
        4 days ago

        I love how you’re ignoring how all the genocide is going to happen despite your decision to not vote in “protest.”

        It shows how little you actually care about it.

        • hark@lemmy.world
          4 days ago

          I did vote not committed during the primary as the only opportunity to send a message, but I am voting for the democratic party down the ballot during the general like I do every single time.

          Did I pass your purity test and acceptably show my distaste for biden’s support for genocide or are you going to continue to tell me how I don’t care about genocide while you unconditionally defend it?

          If voting not committed during the primary is not acceptable, protests are not acceptable, and the most mild of criticisms online aren’t acceptable, then what do you consider acceptable? Only full-throated support for genocide like your god king biden who can do no wrong?

          • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
            4 days ago

            Do what you want. The fact remains that not voting will hurt America. Period. And if you’re here to defend the act of not voting- then I’m going to call it out.

            And I have no “purity test.” Biden sucks. But so does unrestrained fascism.

              • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                4 days ago

                Considering that my entire point is about the trolls that urge people not to vote- and you seem to be here to be contrarian to that point-

                You’d understand how I might make the distinction that you’re one of those people….?

                • hark@lemmy.world
                  4 days ago

                  My issue is with you picking out people who criticize genocide as if they don’t have a point.

                  • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                    4 days ago

                    Cool. My issue is with people who in bad faith, use genocide as an excuse to try and get Trump elected.