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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • The birth rates are low because of the terrible environment that doesn’t support having and raising children. All you’re doing is importing more people who will also barely have any children within a generation or so. Mass immigration is just throwing bodies at the bottom of the pyramid scheme. You can see this in action in Canada where housing is absolutely unaffordable, but large numbers of immigrants are brought in who have to work for shitty wages and live with multiple families in a single rental unit.

    The screaming about low birth rate is because corporations want to keep a high labor pool so they can drive down the price of labor while keeping up demand for consumption.

  • It’s not like democrats just happened to have this happen to them, they actively pushed for this in 2020 when they told all the candidates they could to drop and support Biden while paying for a PAC to keep Warren in the race to split votes with Sanders. They worked harder to fight Sanders than they did to fight Trump. Then democrats made sure to make the 2024 primary as one-tracked as possible, in the name of “unity”. The democrats made their bed and they were content with lying in it until Biden shat in it and they woke up from their little bubble. It’s not like Biden was doing amazing before this, but his debate performance was so bad, even democrats steeped in the kool-aid could see how decrepit their beloved candidate is.

    The scary part is that we’re so far deep in this shit that I don’t know if it’s even possible to back out. It’s an oncoming train collision which had its course set back in 2020 (or perhaps even 2016) that many could see coming but democrats chose to ignore because they place upholding the status quo for their donors as the highest priority.

  • “Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza”

    Israeli action in Gaza is genocide.

    Therefore majority in the US disapprove of genocide.

    Seems pretty straightforward, right? But to PugJesus over here, this somehow doesn’t mean that and instead means that a majority of Americans support genocide. How? Hard to tell, but PugJesus over here is fighting really hard to claim that most people love genocide for some reason.

  • The first poll I posted is from march and showed a big difference with most people not approving of israel’s campaign of genocide. You went and posted a poll from february with a 1% more in favor of israel in the total category. I posted a slightly later poll than yours showing a 1% difference with more not in favor of israel to show the trend. Hopefully this is laid out simply enough for you to understand, but it seems like you’re trying your hardest to twist yourself into a pretzel so that you can elevate support for genocide.

  • Says the one who first posted a poll from february so that you could claim that most Americans love genocide as much as you do. The reality is that:

    • Support for israel’s campaign of genocide has fallen as more people see it for what it is.
    • The majority of supporters of genocide are republicans.

    So tell me, what’s your point? Because it looks like you’re just trying your damnedest to elevate support for genocide. Not a good look.