• AbidanYre@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Say it a little louder for all the dipshits trying to argue that a trump presidency would be better for Gaza than Biden is.

    • donuts@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      If Trump wins I’m going to be too preoccupied with the climate disaster and end of American democracy (in that order) to give a single fuck about what happens in Gaza, Ukraine, or anywhere else.

      • nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de
        5 months ago

        Reverse order for me, the climate distaste I worry about with a Republican dictatorship is a nuclear winter. But that might be growing up during the Cold War talking.

        • jaybone@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Maybe nuclear winter blocks out sun for so long we solve global warming and enter a new ice age. So many humans will be dead we won’t be able to carry on with our global warming activities, as the small handful remaining return to an agrarian society. Maybe Putin and the republicans will save us all.

        • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Yup. Russia takes Ukraine and funds Iran in the inevitably escalated Israel-Iran direct conflict, while China attacks Taiwan and Trump preaches isolationism. Good start to WWIII.

        • donuts@kbin.social
          5 months ago

          I mean, am I wrong? Should I care more about what happens to Gazans or Ukrainians than the fact that we’re living in a kleptocracy of science-deniers who are openly taking $1 billion bribes from the oil industry? I don’t think so…

            • donuts@kbin.social
              5 months ago

              If you’re just abstractly posting about shit on the internet, sure. But if a wildfire burns my neighborhood down (a real possibility where I live, even now, and increasingly likely as the climate slips into the irredeemable zone over the next decade or so) I’m not going to be thinking about global politics and wars happening in countries that I will never step foot in. That would be borderline pathological.

              I’m just being honest. You need to live a life of privilege to have the time, freedom, and emotional capacity to worry about what is happening in Gaza. And, should Donald Trump become president again, he will do whatever he feels like doing in Gaza, nobody will hold him accountable (as nobody seems willing to do right now for the things he’s done in the past), and I’m not going to have the willpower to care because, mark my words, WE will have real problems of our own.

              If you want to see what unchecked genocide, mass civil unrest, climate disaster, and American autocracy looks like, by all means, allow Donald Trump to take over our country. 2024 is our last stand, and what happens next is a matter of individual survival.

            • donuts@kbin.social
              5 months ago

              What do you mean? I don’t follow, so can you elaborate?

              Are you really saying that you care more about what happens to people in countries half way across the world in regions that you’ll probably never step foot in than yourself, your country, or the world at large?

              So we hand America over to a criminal autocrat because Biden hasn’t managed to solve world peace adequately enough for your liking. Doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. Maybe I’m not understanding something here.

              • juicy@lemmy.today
                5 months ago

                “Hasn’t managed to solve world peace adequately” is quite the euphemism for “is supporting an ongoing genocide with billions of dollars of weapons.”

                • RedAggroBest@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  He’s continuing with decades of US policy on Israel, pretty par for the course for a do-nothing president.

                  Every bill he signs off on gets cut down without resistance. The moment he doesn’t have to worry about the politics of a veto.

                  Somehow 4 years of that is somehow better than the alternative so he gets my vote.

                • donuts@kbin.social
                  5 months ago

                  You didn’t elaborate on what you meant when you said “saying the quiet part out loud”. Can you tell me what you mean by that? I don’t follow.

                  “Hasn’t managed to solve world peace adequately” is quite the euphemism for “is supporting an ongoing genocide with billions of dollars of weapons.”

                  Biden is “supporting an ongoing genocide”. He’s doing what every President in modern US history has done by arming Israel because they are (a) our ally and have been since Israel and Palestine were both created, and (b) under attack from multiple groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

                  Since October 7th 2023, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran have launched well over 11,000 missiles and drones at Iran, the vast majority of which were intercepted and nullified by Israeli defense systems. On top of the 1,500 people that Hamas killed and kidnapped on October 7th, had those missile and drone attacks not been defended against, how many more innocent people do you think could have been killed in this war? Would you have been happy to see thousands of missiles hit Israel as well as what’s going on in Gaza?

                  I personally feel that we need to put stronger restrictions and conditions on the weapons we send to Israel in light of the war, and they have started doing that, which is good. But let’s not pretend that American defense spending in Israel hasn’t saved thousands of lives and prevented further escalation. Hamas are a terrorist organization founded on an explicit call for genocide against Israeli Jews, and they killed more people on October 7th than Israel is killing per day on average over the last 8 months.

                  On top of that Biden has spent more money and sent more aide into Gaza than the UN or anyone else… You think Biden is happy about this war? You think he wanted any of this shit to happen, during an election year of all times? C’mon…

                  Listen, I don’t care what you do, but go ahead and help elect Trump if you want to see what actual, unmitigated genocide in Gaza looks like, because unlike Biden he will not give a single fuck what Netenyahu does to the Palestinians. In fact, just like Trump will do what the oil lobby wants if they give him $1 billion, Trump will be more than happy to help Netenyahu flatten every inch of Gaza if he can get some kind of “deal” (read: bribe) in return.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Considering nuking Gaza could easily lead to everyone nuking everyone else, you might change your priorities a bit.

        • donuts@kbin.social
          5 months ago

          Nobody is starting a global thermonuclear war over Gaza. Iran doesn’t have a capability, NK doesn’t give a fuck, and if Russia was going to elevate the world into a nuclear war they would have already done so over Ukraine.

          Meanwhile climate change is here and American democracy is in peril, and these are things that actually affect people in this country and the entire world.

          If Trump wins, Gaza is his to do as he pleases. If we didn’t hold him accountable for his crimes against the United States, I have serious doubts that we’re going to hold him accountable for crimes in the middle east.

            • donuts@kbin.social
              5 months ago

              Let’s imagine Trump wins in 2024. He’s leading in a number of polls and Biden’s popularity is down, so there’s a REAL chance…

              Who exactly do you think is going to hold him accountable for anything he does at home or abroad?

              Congress? (Maybe in some kind of weird scenario where Trump wins the presidency but loses the House and Senate. Not very likely…)

              The courts? (Trump has personally appointed 33% of the current SCOTUS, and we have seen that they will tie themselves into knots to do his bidding. Another 33% of SCOTUS are other highly political conservative judges who have proven to be on Trump’s side. And then we have to consider that Trump has also appointed a huge number of judges at every different level of our legal system. They aren’t going to do anything to him, ever.)

              And if Netenyahu was to kill every last man, woman, and child in Gaza, do you think a Trump administration would push back even in the slightest? This is a guy who sides with Putin and Kim Jung Un. He does not give a fuck about humanity or anybody’s life other than his own.

              I once had hope that someone, somewhere would hold Trump accountable for things like January 6th, but I guess hope doesn’t spring eternal after all because I’m just not seeing it. Trump’s right about one thing: he could shoot a guy on 5th avenue in broad daylight and nothing would happen to him. One third of this country would be evil enough to still vote for him, and another third of the country would be to stupid to hold him accountable.

    • TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Why aren’t the “But Biden!” people in this thread? It’s so very strange they seem to be absent (no, it really isn’t).