The main reasons I’ve seen from vegans for not eating meat seem to be all about the morality of eating a sentient animal, the practices of the modern meat industry, and the environmental impact of it. And don’t have anything to do with the taste of meat.

Since lab-grown meat doesn’t cause animal suffering, and assuming mass production is environmentally friendly, would you consider going back to eating meat if it were the lab-grown kind?

    11 days ago

    Oh my god the irony of this comment is almost too much.

    I started out this entire goddamn odyssey of a conversation doing nothing more than suggesting you change your tact. Telling you i support what you’re doing but think you’re going about it all wrong.

    You got snarky—even though you entirely misunderstood what I said. And continued misunderstanding what I was saying. Calling you out on doing your cause no favors and me getting annoyed that I couldn’t get my point across has nothing to do with….anything that you’re now trying to make me think this conversation has ever been about lol

      11 days ago

      I’m starting to feel ableist for laughing at you. This is no longer fun for me so I’m blocking you now.

      Hopefully you can become a better person on your own. Good luck wanker.