• ThePyroPython@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        They’re no where near left compared with other countries: the US Democrats are centre-right.

        Bernie Sanders is the only one I know of who’s actually left-wing.

        This is because US politics’ overton window has shifted right since the 1980s. And will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future.

        • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          The democrats actually trend left of major labor and social democratic parties around the world but why let actual policy comparison get in the way of the narrative?

            • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              I could ask “BeRnIe WoUlDa BeEn A rIgHt WiNgEr In YuRoP” spammers the same thing, and with far more counts to answer for.

      • Optional@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        It’s a variant of both sides bad, and if you get an honest answer it’s probably for Jill Stein. But the odds are it’ll just be a drive-by snark about biden committing the jenosides.

        Block user is an available option, but only after you’ve had the pleasure of several essentially identical responses.

            • apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Yeah his adminstration is arming and providing UN cover for Israel so yeah if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s genocide.

              • Optional@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Is his administration talking directly with Netanyahu and telling them to stop it? (Can we at least agree Trump would not be, even doing the opposite?) Is it possible foreign relations is maybe more complex than a lightswitch for some reason? How does politics work, it sounds interesting.

        • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          The democrats actually trend left of major labor and social democratic parties around the world but why let actual policy comparison get in the way of the narrative?

              • force@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                It’s like… most of the developed world outside of North America & Australia. Japan and SK’s “left” ruling parties might both seem fascist in comparison to the US Democrats, and the UK’s may be about on par if not worse, but the same can not be said about most of first-world Europe, or even Australia and Canada really. Even in many less developed countries – like Argentina, Syria, Palestine, and much of Africa – you’ll generally find that the “left” parties are actually left, socialist or syndicalist or some other anti-capitalist, and not liberal. But I’d say developed countries are a lot more relevant to comparisons with American politics than ones which are not developed.

          • force@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            I would like to see what exactly you’re referring to. Outside of the UK and Japan/SK, there’s not a whole lot of supposedly “leftist” parties which are right of America’s Democrats when it comes to the developed world.

            • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              German Social Democrats are going anti-refugee, Melanchon is hardcore putin supporter on the grounds of realist geopolitical policy, which until it was useful to say America bad was rightly decried by the left as just a rhetorical justification for continued western imperialism, even breathe of gender neutral language use in most European countries and you’ll be treated like a pariah if not outright accused of trying to destroy the culture, Greece’s actual goddamn socialist party is one of the most corrupt organized parties in the world, the NDP in Canada are lead by a man who says all the right things until you ask him about that plain hijacking by a terrorist organization founded on the interests of a racist class of landed elites, Russia’s still active communist party is a captured opposition for the fascist Putin regime, Erdogan’s rise to power in Turkey was paved by how wildly islamophobic the system of secularism was that the social democratic party Ataturk founded lifted from France (remember the shitstorm over Burkinis?), and oh yeah, all over the english speaking world and in much of western europe the guillotine is regularly held up as a symbol of revolution of leftist power while everywhere else mostly recognizes it as the preferred means of criminal execution of the Nazis.

              • force@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                German Social Democrats are going anti-refugee,

                That doesn’t necessarily make them less left than American Democrats. I mean many Democrats literally are supporting the genocide of countries some of those refugees may be coming from right now. Immigration policy & treatment of refugees, although having some correlations with the left-right divide in the modern day, don’t wholly decide whether you’re left or right.

                Melanchon is hardcore putin supporter on the grounds of realist geopolitical policy,

                Calling Melanchon right of the Democrats is certainly… something alright. He is literally a socialist, or borderline socialist depending on your view. Democrats don’t even come near socialism. Having shitty views on international politics and diplomacy doesn’t exactly qualify you as “less left”.

                even breathe of gender neutral language use in most European countries and you’ll be treated like a pariah if not outright accused of trying to destroy the culture,

                Based off of context I can only assume that you’re referring to when people who have no idea about how linguistics works try to go to speakers of other languages and tell them to just chop off part of their grammar (in this case, noun class) because they think “grammatical gender” is actual gender, or that it’s comparable to pronoun use in English. But regardless, language features on its own doesn’t necessarily mean anything when it comes to political leanings, and you can find gender neutral language use all across Europe, even in comparatively backwards places like Italy (sorry Italians).

                Greece’s actual goddamn socialist party is one of the most corrupt organized parties in the world,

                Greece itself is unfortunate in every meaning of the word, but being corrupt doesn’t say anything about its political leanings.

                the NDP in Canada are lead by a man who says all the right things until you ask him about that plain hijacking by a terrorist organization founded on the interests of a racist class of landed elites,

                I don’t get your point here. Although racism is usually right-wing, the lead guy being a racist doesn’t change the fact that the NDP still favors far more leftist policies than the US democrats, including on peace, the environment, transportation infrastructure, and (obviously) healthcare. Half of the stuff that the NDP pushes for would be absolute crazy talk to US Democrats.

                Russia’s still active communist party is a captured opposition for the fascist Putin regime,

                I wouldn’t exactly call Russia a developed democracy, it’s very clearly a far-right authoritarian country.

                Erdogan’s rise to power in Turkey was paved by how wildly islamophobic the system of secularism was that the social democratic party Ataturk founded lifted from France (remember the shitstorm over Burkinis?),

                … secularism is islamophobic? Keeping religion out of government, including government buildings, isn’t exactly right-wing, in fact I find it perfectly fits much of leftist thought throughout history. Keeping all religion out of government isn’t “islamophobic”, even in a majority muslim country.

                and oh yeah, all over the english speaking world and in much of western europe the guillotine is regularly held up as a symbol of revolution of leftist power while everywhere else mostly recognizes it as the preferred means of criminal execution of the Nazis.

                Not exactly sure how this is relevant as to whether or not the US Democrats are actually more leftist than real leftist parties.

                Most of your arguments seem to be about nationality/religion, and while stance on things like immigration or Ukraine are relevant, they don’t overshadow being a socialist, which US democrats are far from.

                Democrats reject socialism, they fear being labelled a “communist”, they don’t like being “leftists”. I find it silly comparing them to actual socialists or parties/people which border on being socialist, maybe with a few positions uncharacteristic for socialists but in general still being socialists, and then saying that the Democrats are more left-wing. I mean Biden literally said that he wouldn’t sign a universal healthcare bill, he’s giving Israel a ton of aid, he still fully supports capitalism even if he has made advancements on making corporations less powerful. He, and the institution he represents, are NOT leftist, even if we say position on healthcare is irrelevant and position on foreigners is very relevant.

                • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  Man that’s just a whole wall of someone who’d definitely respond to someone mentioning Roma folks with “That’s different they deserve it!”

    • linearchaos@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Those red and blue dots are damned close together for one guy that incited a coup, kept mein kampf on this nightstand writes love letters to Putin and IL.

      Biden is nowhere near where I want him to be policy-wise, But to try to put them close together on social issues is disingenuous

      The political compass site is far from scientific.

      • Crikeste@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        Biden regarding black people: “Superpredators”

        Biden regarding Palestinians: “Kill their women and children if you have to.”

  • madcaesar@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I don’t like memes like this because they are easily dismissed, since the left absolutely has problems, and it’s not just “we want healthcare”

    However, the truth is, for all the faults the left has, they pale in comparison to the right wing batshittery.

    • rambling_lunatic@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      Moonbats who promised something to an altar of Joe Stalin are a minority of leftists, including radical leftists such as most people here.

      The right-wing nutcases are the hegemon. Those who aren’t themselves that extreme at the very least enable them, if not passively want the same things.

  • shimdidly@lemmy.world
    2 months ago


    2020 Election was clearly stolen. Calling J6 a “coup” or “insurrection” is the hoax of the century. Just look at the footage they don’t want you to see of DC police escorting Jacob Chansley through the building. Or Ray Epps shouting, “We need to go IN to the capital.” And running free while thousands are locked up as political prisoners.

    Let’s just completely forget about the “Summer of love” in 2020 with all of the “mostly peaceful protests” and George Soros attorneys refusing to prosecute while innocent people are killed, and buildings burned and looted all over the country.


    When we decided to subsidize education with tax dollars prices skyrocketed, and quality went down.

    Same story with Healthcare. Both are bureaucratic nightmares.

    Both sides are the same

    The House voted on Wednesday to pass the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act. Completely gutting your 1st Amendment freedom of speech. The House vote was 320 to 91 with 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voting against the bill. The politicians in this country are openly betraying you. It doesn’t matter left or right. They’re not working for you. They’re bought and paid for by lobbying money.

    • Socsa@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      Anyone else remember how good the Internet was before deranged conservative trolls figured out how to use it?

    • Colonel Panic@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      And the earth is flat and JFK is alive and 5G is spreading COVID. Yeah yeah, We know, we know. Lol