Don’t fall for his flame bait. Linux is the number one used OS in the world. Linux dominates every market except Console and Desktop. Once Microsoft can no longer use vendor lockin to artificially maintain it’s grip on the Desktop market, you’ll see all kinds of engineering dollars poor into Desktop Linux from OEMs. Look at OSX, flopped in the Server market (dispite being “technically” Unix). Apple shut down an entire division (XServe), because OSX Server sucked so bad. Azure is getting dominated by Linux. Linux has 80% of the IoT market despite Windows being free for IoT. OSX and Windows only exist because of Vendor lockin.
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If something is popular, that does not automatically mean it is good. You are probably aware of how collectively stupid we can be as a species.
Don’t fall for his flame bait. Linux is the number one used OS in the world. Linux dominates every market except Console and Desktop. Once Microsoft can no longer use vendor lockin to artificially maintain it’s grip on the Desktop market, you’ll see all kinds of engineering dollars poor into Desktop Linux from OEMs. Look at OSX, flopped in the Server market (dispite being “technically” Unix). Apple shut down an entire division (XServe), because OSX Server sucked so bad. Azure is getting dominated by Linux. Linux has 80% of the IoT market despite Windows being free for IoT. OSX and Windows only exist because of Vendor lockin.
Good examples are peazip, bowpad, jedit, invizible pro, spotube. I use all of these, and they are awesome
True, just like you were allowed to drink and drive…
For all of you downvoting, I was agreeing with this point:
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like windows update kb5033052?
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