Yeah but it really seems like such a hassle
Yeah I’d totally push a magic button but I’m also comfortable in the body I was born in… well aside from my health issues but that’s just another reason I wouldn’t want to deal with “the hassle” as you put it. I’m content to be my AMAB masc presenting enby self.
I was in your shoes about 9 months ago. Just celebrated six months on hrt. And boy howdie did “comfortable in my body” turn to “holy shit how did I live like that before???”
Tale as old as time.
“I’m cool with being a guy, I only think about being a girl sometimes I guess. It would be interesting though…”
“Heh, I look nice with this Snapchat filter… I kinda wonder how I’d look in some girl’s clothes?”
“Wow… I think really like how I look. But like, I’m okay with looking like a guy in public. I just crossdress for fun. Though… What if I didn’t have to ‘go back’”?
I’ve not even hit 3 months of HRT and I’m utterly astonished at how much more I give a shit about myself overall.
Yisss this is the power of E. Only downside for me was/is that because of the missing obvious disphoria I sometimes feel like an impostor. But I am dealing with it :]
That’s great, I’m happy for you! I do not feel I would be happier on hrt. It’s not right for my personal health journey. But I appreciate your point of view.
Plus I’m 6’5" and look just scary enough with beard that nobody fucks with me
I’m not gonna tell you what you are or aren’t but as 6’6” transfem there’s something awesome about being a tower of lesbian.
Well I am definitely stealing “tower of lesbian”
What’s the word for it?