Finished Metroid Prime: Remastered!
Shared my issues in last week’s thread, nothing else to add here except I hated those Fission Metroids, most annoying enemies in the game.
Waiting for Prime 2 remastered now. Would probably get day-1.
Started Pankapu, a colourful and shiny 2D platformer. Have only played a little bit, but seems fun.
Finished Rise of the Tomb Raider.
It was a really good game. I am surprised that it’s about 10 years old now. Next is Shadow of the Tomb Raider, will probably play it later this year. I have heard Rise is the best of the trilogy, so going to adjust my expectations accordingly, but still looking forward to it.
Also played and finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. It was a pretty short campaign, probably around 6-7 hours. I had heard great things about the campaign, but I thought it was just okay. Good, but not the best campaign ever. Though, to be fair, this is a game from 2007, and I haven’t played many FPS games recently, so I am not sure what the benchmark is.
I liked the missions and the gameplay, and thought it was over pretty quick. I have also Modern Warfare 2 remastered, so will give it a try soon-ish.
So, what about all you? What have you been playing?
Going to dive into Avowed. My son’s been playing it this week and said I should check it out. 🤞
I’ve got it downloading now. Love Obsidian games.
I am looking forward to it. Would love to hear you opinion / review.
So far so good, only got a few hours in, and I was VERY frustrated with the game crashing. I’ve heard other people with the Launch version of the XBox Series X are having similar issues. I was averaging a crash every 30 min or so. Thanks to autosave, I rarely lost much progress, and the game boots quickly, so it wasn’t too much down time, but it’s annoying as hell.
It’s close enough to Skyrim, that I felt like I knew exactly what to do, but it’s different enough, that most of the time, I don’t actually know what to do. I’m still learning the differences between the leveling and equipment systems and which enemies need to be avoided.
Just this morning: “oh, there’s a skeleton outside of town, I’ll just pick him off with my bow.” 60 seconds later: Kai is dead, there’s a rain of arrows falling on me, and the skelemans heal faster than I can kill them. Who knew?
lol, other than crashing, the game sounds fun. Hope they patch out the issues soon.
From what I’ve seen, it seems like that specific console has a problem with ray tracing, and isn’t anything the game itself could fix. I’ll have to pay around with some settings and see if that helps keep it going for longer stretches of time at least.
Oh, that sounds annoying. Hope they can still find some way.
I’m currently playing a mod of Animal Crossing new leaf and playing through Pokemon ultra moon on my 3DS. I’ve never played the variant of pkmn moon, so it’s funny seeing that there is a retcon squad in the game. Wonder what else has changed in the game
To mix it up - I just finished Witcher 3 (Hearts of Stone)! It’s been the best content in the game so far.
Now, I’m playing Witcher 3 (Blood and Wine). Of course, I got to the new map and immediately started collecting all side quests there.
Haha, that’s the way to play. Going everywhere and doing everything except what you are supposed to do.
Pankapu looks interesting. Please let us know your thoughts once you’re finished.
Well, I dropped it…
The game isn’t bad, but it isn’t great either. Also, the level design is kinda annoying. It’s not all linear, so one route will have some collectable / upgrade other will be the main path, without knowing which is which if you go the main path, it will make it so you can’t get the collectable without replaying the whole level again. There are also some levels underground where it’s all dark and you can only see small area around you, found it very annoying, but that’s more of a me thing then actual issue.
Also, combat, jumping, controls, all feel a bit umm… stiff, I guess.
If you like platformers, I think it’s worth a try, see some gameplay videos and give it a try if you like what you see.
without knowing which is which if you go the main path, it will make it so you can’t get the collectable without replaying the whole level again
I think I will skip it. I am not much of a fan of games artificially padding the runtime of the game this way. The artwork looks fun, but it doesn’t sound like the game is fully put together.
I am still burning through Tears of the Kingdom and as usual, Animal Crossing. I’m renovating my island, so that’s a long process lol
Hehe, good luck. Going to change your island residents too?
Not until I get those pictures!
Ughh yeah the metroids you mentioned were such a pain. If I remember correctly there was an annoyingly long section you had to climb up whilst fighting those things.
I’m playing through Persona 3 Reload. Has been nearly two months since I started it at this point but I am really enjoying it, and the characters are great.
I’ve just started playing Super Mario Wonder on the Switch (a Valentine’s Day present from my partner). It’s excellent! Such a fresh take on the Mario formula. I never know what to expect going in to each level (singing piranha plans?) but it’s left me smiling each time :3
Super Mario Wonder was SO MUCH FUN!
Those singing piranhas really set the mood for the whole game. There are some more challenging parts, but many of them are hidden or avoidable, so anyone not looking for a challenge, can continue in and keep advancing.
Oh yeah, the most annoying section. It’s right before the final boss, so the health loss there is also very annoying.
I’ve been playing a bit of BotW again. It’s quite fun to start a new save file and just go exploring from the start again, but I’ve actually been playing my “complete” save file, ticking off a few completionist things. I expanded all weapon and bow slots, and I’m 50-100 korok seeds away from doing all the shield slots - not sure if I’ll get round to it, because I never have issues with shield storage. I’m only 3 side quests away from having done them all, so I will do those ones.
Wow, that’s a lot. Good luck!
I’m playing Bravely Default now. Since Baldur’s Gate 3, I’m really into turn-based games. This is my first JRPG and I’m absolutely addicted to it.
Please, if you know other awesome JRPGs or other turn-based games, tell me about it. :)
I have NDS, 2DS, Switch and XSX.
Please, if you know other awesome JRPGs or other turn-based games, tell me about it. :)
Oh boy, I could spend hours talking about these. So instead let me give some recommendations on different styles of JRPGs.
- Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster: Some of the best classics in the genre, and also a really cool view on the evolution of JRPGs over the 8-bit and 16-bit era. If you’re not up to playing them all at least consider FF6.
- Persona 5 Royal: One of the most polished JRPGs ever made, and also a fairly different take on the genre, taking place in current Tokyo (you can find a bunch of videos comparing it to real-life), and has an interesting time-management system where you have to split your time between your character’s “real life” (going to school, hanging out with friends) and battling monsters.
- Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance: For a more gameplay-focused game with the best turn-based combat around. Press Turn is a brilliant system that keeps adrenaline high, and rewards playing smart and using the game mechanics in your favor. Fairly minimal story though.
- Etrian Odyssey III: For the Dungeon Crawler sub-genre. Also has some of the finest party-building around, many different synergies that you can build around. Another game focused on gameplay with a minimal story.
- Atelier Sophie 2: If you want to experiment a chill and relaxing slice-of-life JRPG. Has a very heavy focus on crafting, you can spend hours tweaking items and trying to build the perfect bomb.
- Trails from Zero and its sequel Trails to Azure: Contains my favorite “team” in any JRPG. The SSS has fantastic chemistry, and with two games the team gets very well developed. It’s also a sneak peek in one of the biggest “rabbit holes” in JRPGs - the Trails series has 13 different games, all taking place in the same world with connections between all of them.
- Cassette Beasts is my suggestion for the “monster collection” genre. There’s also plenty of options for Pokemon games if you prefer it, but I absolutely love this one with its interesting vulnerability system, open world and fusions. Amazing OST too.
- Mario & Luigi: Brothership: For my final suggestion, don’t neglect the Mario RPGs, they’re silly yet incredibly fun games.
Wow, I’m so very grateful for your detailed list of recommendations. I’ve only considered Final Fantasy before, and Persona is the only other I’ve heard of. Not any of the others.
I will definitely give Etrian Odyssey III a try as it made me remember Wizardry, which I used to play with my uncle before I had my own computer. (In around 2005. Those games released before I was born…)
I’ve read that Final Fantasy games are not related to each other, but I was not sure if the old ones are worth trying. I’ll pick up FF6, and see where it takes me :)
Thank your very much!
Glad you liked my recommendations!
Feel free to ping me for more suggestions, I’m a massive JRPG fan and have played a ridiculous amount of games in this genre.
Welcome to the world of JRPGs.
Turn based JRPGs is a really, really long list. There are many different kind of games in the genre. You can try Octopath Traveler and it’s sequel. I personally thought it was quite repetitive but people seem to love it. It’s very beautiful and introduced 2D-HD visuals.
Then there’s Persona series. Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Royal both are available on Switch, I think. As well as Shin Megami Tensei V. (Persona games are spin-off of SMT series).
If you like more laid back experience, with more focus on crafting then actual combat, then try Atelier series. Atelier Ryza is latest one and has 3 games in the series, a newer game with new characters and story, Atelier Yuma is coming out this year.
Dragon Quest games are classics, you can try the latest one in the series Dragon Quest XI, or remake of the older game Dragon Quest 3 Remake which released recently.
That’s some on top of my head, there are many more.
Also going to summon @[email protected] , he is the creator of [email protected] , he can share some of his favourites too.
Reading your comment, my suggestions wouldn’t be that different, since you mention titles that are usualy well received. But at least i could add a bit.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth are both turn based games of the Like a Dragon/Yakuza series that are quite funny games. You don’t need Yakuza game knowledge for those. In case you use the gamepass, the first of them is part of the gamepass.
World of Final Fantasy is a monster hunter turn based game with two charming protagonists and a very funny and partly serious story. Or Just start any old Final Fantasy 1-10. They all Turn Based. Final Fantasy 6 (Pixel Remaster) and Final Fatansy X|X-2 Remaster (XBS) would be my recommondations.
Another monster hunting game would be the Digimon Cybersleuth games, that are avaialabe on switch as a collection, i would say they are decent. Has similarities to Pokemon, but a lot more story driven like a typical jrpg.
I liked Magical Starsign on the NDS, but i guess it’s not that well received, if you are childish enough, you probably would like it anyways. Just came to my mind as a childhood game i enjoyed back then.
There are good turn based Indie games, like Sea of Stars and Chained Echoes, later game got very well received in the community. Still need to play those.
Thank you for taking the time! I have subscribed to your community as an observer (for now) :)
I remember seeing Yakuza games on Xbox Direct and I have not understood what I saw at all. That was a while ago. It’s time I reconsider.
I will most likely go with FF6 after Bravely. I will also pick up some of these recommendations, I want to try different types of games before committing to a series / type for a while :)
Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Royal both are available on Switch
Reload is not available on the Switch. 🙁 But since it’s available on the XSX OP can still get it.
I’m seconding most of your recommendations, except I’d recommend Atelier Sophie 2 instead of Ryza mainly because it’s a more traditional turn-based battle system instead of the action/turn-based hybrid Ryza uses.
Ah, thanks for the correction.
Thanks a lot of your reply!
Octopath Traveler looks beautiful in the same way that Bravely Default does, for that it atrracts me a lot. But I don’t yet know much about this kind of games, and I want to broaden my view.
(I’ve played ARPGs and RTS games as a child, then only MMOs and MOBAs. The latter two truly crushed my soul, I only want to play single player for the rest of my life)
Can I ask what’s the deal with Persona 3 or 5 having multiple titles (Royal, Strikers, Tactica) under the same number (P5)? Are those relating stories, while the new numbering means a separate story / world?
I appreciate your recommendations :) I will look into all of these all of you have recommended.
Can I ask what’s the deal with Persona 3 or 5 having multiple titles (Royal, Strikers, Tactica) under the same number (P5)? Are those relating stories, while the new numbering means a separate story / world?
Atlus has a habit of releasing “upgraded/improved” versions of their games:
- Persona 3 -> Persona 3 FES
- Persona 4 -> Persona 4 Golden
- Persona 5 -> Persona 5 Royal
- SMT5 -> SMT5 Vengeance
The “upgraded” version effectively obsoletes the original version as they include expanded storylines, improved QOL and so on.
Other games like P5 Strikers or P5 Tactica use the same cast but with a different gameplay style. They’re usually meant to be played after the original game and should be treated as as spin-offs or sequels.
I can attest to many of the other games mentioned, but I haven’t seen Radiant Historia Perfect Chronolgy mentioned yet. It’s my favorite game on the 3DS. It does feature time travel as a mechanic and has unique battle mechanics.
If you’re up for SRPGs too (S meaning strategy), I wholeheartedly recommend Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 1 + 2. The first one is overall a bit better.
Wario 3
Wario Land 3? On Switch?
I wanted to spend my last weekend of vacations playing Trails Through Daybreak II but my copy is stuck in Customs. 🙁
Finished Rabi-Ribi!
Cutest metroidvania I’ve ever played, and it’s quite a good game too! Extremely non-linear and open, I finished the “main quest” with only 50% map completion! Between that and some post-game content there’s still plenty for me to do here. Oh, and it also has a ridiculously catchy OST that will definitely get stuck in your head.
Had a ton of fun with this one. Easy recommendation to metroidvania fans, and I even added Tevi from the same developer to my wishlist.
Playing Fantasian Neo Dimension!
Slow progress but still following my plan of doing short sessions completing a quest or two. Getting brickwalled by some of the optional bosses though, got my entire party one-shot from full life a couple times already which is never fun. 🙁
Wow, just 50% map completion! How’s the traversal? Easy to go back to older places? I never realised how important it is until I played Metroid Prime. 😀
Fairly easy, there’s a plenty of fast-travel spots around the map and some upgrades like the double jump and slide unlock a lot of shortcuts.
Ahan, that’s nice to hear.
Give those Fission 'troids a healthy dose of Power Bombing, you won’t be needing them until the very last fifth of Core Prime health.
Yeah, that’s what I did. Ran quickly as far as I could, then when couple of Fission metroids came near, power bomb and then run again. Was able to reach the boss easily with that.
I have finished Lightning Returns! Except I can’t finish the quest that asked me to exterminate all enemies, because there are more enemies behind the point of no return. It’s impossible to hand in the quest until New Game Plus. Which is weird, but alright, since the game REALLY wants you to play again on hard mode. There’s a whole equipment upgrading system you don’t even have access to on your first playthrough and you can only upgrade your abilities so far. Plus, when you pick up a duplicate of a unique accessory, you get a stronger version instead. If it wasn’t for Monster Hunter, I’d probably play the game a second time, because I did really enjoy it. And the one thing I will say to anyone willing to try the game is: Don’t worry about the 13 day limit. It’s not a big deal at all. I’ve done pretty much everything by day 10 and had to skip ahead to the finale.
I’m about to head to the third area in Brothership, but I haven’t played much because my work schedule has been weird lately.
I’m almost done with Wario Land 2. It’s a fine game, but I just like the first one more. The way Wario’s immortality replaces death with annoyance just doesn’t work for me. It’s faster than going back to a checkpoint, but it feels worse.
That’s weird about New Game Plus, but I guess it give you an incentive to play the game again.
Is the first Wario Land available on NSO? I would live to give it a try. Never played any Wario Land game.
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Next week’s post is up!
I wasn’t planning to post here… was just checking the formatting and accidentally posted it instead. :D
Ah, lol. I though you mistook it for this week’s post. No worries 😀