Finished Metroid Prime: Remastered!

Shared my issues in last week’s thread, nothing else to add here except I hated those Fission Metroids, most annoying enemies in the game.

Waiting for Prime 2 remastered now. Would probably get day-1.

Started Pankapu, a colourful and shiny 2D platformer. Have only played a little bit, but seems fun.

Finished Rise of the Tomb Raider.

It was a really good game. I am surprised that it’s about 10 years old now. Next is Shadow of the Tomb Raider, will probably play it later this year. I have heard Rise is the best of the trilogy, so going to adjust my expectations accordingly, but still looking forward to it.

Also played and finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. It was a pretty short campaign, probably around 6-7 hours. I had heard great things about the campaign, but I thought it was just okay. Good, but not the best campaign ever. Though, to be fair, this is a game from 2007, and I haven’t played many FPS games recently, so I am not sure what the benchmark is.

I liked the missions and the gameplay, and thought it was over pretty quick. I have also Modern Warfare 2 remastered, so will give it a try soon-ish.

So, what about all you? What have you been playing?

    21 days ago

    Going to dive into Avowed. My son’s been playing it this week and said I should check it out. 🤞

        19 days ago

        So far so good, only got a few hours in, and I was VERY frustrated with the game crashing. I’ve heard other people with the Launch version of the XBox Series X are having similar issues. I was averaging a crash every 30 min or so. Thanks to autosave, I rarely lost much progress, and the game boots quickly, so it wasn’t too much down time, but it’s annoying as hell.

        It’s close enough to Skyrim, that I felt like I knew exactly what to do, but it’s different enough, that most of the time, I don’t actually know what to do. I’m still learning the differences between the leveling and equipment systems and which enemies need to be avoided.

        Just this morning: “oh, there’s a skeleton outside of town, I’ll just pick him off with my bow.” 60 seconds later: Kai is dead, there’s a rain of arrows falling on me, and the skelemans heal faster than I can kill them. Who knew?

            18 days ago

            From what I’ve seen, it seems like that specific console has a problem with ray tracing, and isn’t anything the game itself could fix. I’ll have to pay around with some settings and see if that helps keep it going for longer stretches of time at least.