Solidarity denotes the unity and mutual support among individuals with shared objectives, crucial in protests for reinforcing collective resolve. Protests are strategically held in high-visibility, disruptive locations to maximize impact and draw public and institutional attention. This disruption compels acknowledgment of the issues, leveraging collective action to catalyze societal and political change. In contrast, low-visibility protests are often ineffective as they fail to generate sufficient public awareness or pressure for change.

    4 months ago

    You can protest however you like. However if your plan is to be disruptive or destructive for its own sake, that extra attention you get will be negative. If t you think you’re making a difference by hurting people who could or would support you, you’re wrong. If your goal is headlines regardless of what you’re protesting in the name of, I’m likely to ignore you

    When it’s a cause I care about, when you’re driving away supporters, then I object. When it’s a cause I also protest for and you’re making me distance myself from a bunch of extremists, I’m annoyed.

      4 months ago

      The people who get upset about protests would never ever support those causes to begin with. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to deceive you. Not a single person who got upset about black people sitting in the wrong bus seat or blocking a lunch counter gave a rat’s ass by the right of black people. Not a single one. It’s the same for every single protest ever. This is a fiction that you’ve been taught in schools by liberals and conservatives who don’t want you protesting.