Hi comrades, this is the most realistic story about aliens invading our planet:

Governments of North America reported sighting 20 UFOs over the sky in the morning. This day, a big spaceship entered the orbit and 10 disk shaped UFOs started descending from it. All Western countries panicked and the entire NATO invoked article 5 and mobilized its military. The US government put nuclear ICBMs on high alert. Everyone kept wondering what will happen to humans. Will they enslave us? Or will they destroy our species and use our planet for resources?

After 2 hours, the UFOs finally landed. A group of 4 green-skinned black-eyed unarmed aliens walked up to the nearest TV reporter. The entire world fell silent. All people were shocked to see a far more advanced civilization. After looking at this reporter, one alien said:

“Hi! We came here to establish diplomatic relations. We became socialist a millenium ago and forgot how capitalism works. Do you want win-win cooperation? We would like to invest in your infrastructure. You can do basically anything you want with what we build, we just want a new planet to do business with. If you want to, here is our SpaceMail address and the device to access cosmic Wi-Fi. Also, we opensourced our most advanced AI system ever. This is a 100000 page DIY manual how to set it up. Sorry that it’s so long, it just also happens to contain all the scientific knowledge that we gained to make this thing, including our opensource advanced CPU. Why do we care about you? It’s because we value diversity that empowers us with multiple viewpoints, and we support alien rights. There is enough space for us all. Thank you for listening, good bye”

The aliens went back to their UFOs. After two hours, they reached the spaceship and it teleported back home.

  • Sunshiner@lemmygrad.ml
    22 days ago

    I’m new to that subject. One can argue if they were truly socialist or state capitalist. I sadly have no thought on the matter :( One thing I can say is that the implementation of socialism on countries that were formerly capitalist or monarchist may have been a new concept. They might have went back to what they knew best since socialism may have been venturing into the unknown for them. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      22 days ago

      First of all, despite different characteristicts and mistakes, yes, they were really socialist, “state capitalism” used in modern context is just a westolefto thought-terminating buzzword to absolve said westolefto from any marxist analysis and instead allowing for brain cooling on an easily available COINTELPRO propaganda.
      Second, due to abovementioned characteristics it is a complex subject, even my own Poland would require monumental effortpost to describe even briefly, but 1956, 1968, and then 80’s were in most socialist countries in the region an arena for western regime change efforts and each time some liberalistion was achieved and for example 1968 had tragic consequences in Poland, government allowed to establish prowestern liberal faction, that was loose at beginning but which would ultimately converge with gorbachevists in government and destroy socialism, and it also caused fall of government which was replaced by more liberal “market-socialists” seeking to lend money from the west which also had tragic consequences, even though at first it led to significant speeding of economy.