Edit: I don’t drink alcohol, it’s just the best way to describe it. From comments I’ll be going on a low carb diet, thank you all.
Explanation: male, 38, 130 pounds. Skinny, low muscle mass but have a beer keg belly.
My day is 7am wake up. Get kids to school. Work until 5. Get kids from school. Cook, shower and then I’m exhausted AF.
I’m semi fit? I’m a mechanic professionally and spring til summer I mountain bike regularly. So my calves are monsters.
But would like… basic at home sit ups. Push ups etc like on a Saturday, would that help at all?
130 lbs???
Beer belly?
Are you like 5’3"? Otherwise… What???
They might have visceral fat. it’s that hard belly. it’s from high carb, usually heavy drinkers. they could be skinny and look 4 or 5 months pregnant.
After other comments that might be it. Though I’ve been sober for over a decade now (never had a problem with drinking, just not my thing and lost friend and family to it so I don’t do it)
Also it’s not THAT big lmao.
It’s just the most common way ppl get it. If you eat lots of carbs, you can develop it. It’s not a drastic change, but 10 years of rice, bread, pasta, etc will catch up with you. Get checked out by a doc to rule out glands and hormones as well.
Definitely! It makes the most sense reading other replies. Thank you so much
They are 3’5’’
Like a true hobbit should be.
About to have elevensies actually.
Just as
GodEru intended.I’m 5’3 and a hair under 130 and don’t have a beer gut. I don’t know how accurate is but my scale says I’m around 15-16% body fat. I lift weights but I can’t imagine I have more muscle mass than someone working as a mechanic and cycling. OPs numbers don’t add up to me either.
I’m 5’7". Very high metabolism
Just commenting here so you see it,
130 pounds is pretty low for a man your height. Considering you’ve never really worked out, do some body weight workouts on YouTube, or but some dumbbells and do the same. Start with 20 pounds and but heavier as you need.
You lose weight with diet, not exercise, but that’s not what you need.
yeah i want to gain weight.
I was chronically skinny until I started smoking weed.
I smoked when I was 18/19. Got food poisoning once when I was smoking and now when I smell weed I get really nauseous lol. It’s super fun /s
Try Edibles!
Is that why you’re such a dumb motherfucker? You should try another strain bro
Very normal, extremely hinged behaviour you’re demonstrating. Clearly not someone who gets over emotional and then makes poor decisions as a result.
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For reference 159 pounds would be where you start to cross into an ‘unhealthy’ BMI. However, while BMI is a good gauge for normal/sedintary people, it isn’t a great measure if you’re quite muscular. So I would try to stay under 160 unless you’ve been building miserable consistently for 1-2 years. And even then, if you are trying to optimize health, no need to go much over, even 160 being swole. However if your primary goal is not health but strength, you’ll need to be ‘obese’. Which is still healthier than being thin and out of shape, but not ‘optimal’ for long term health. The reason I say this is, everyone has an opinion on what’s best, but it really depends on what you’re trying to optimize for.