I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?

  • BalderSion@real.lemmy.fan
    1 month ago

    I keep ruminating on this argument, and it gives me deeply split feelings.

    On one hand I keep thinking, voters need to grow up. Voting is how the populace gets to engage in self governance, i.e. politics, and as the aphorism goes, Politics is the art of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. Things that are easy aren’t solved by politics, and the voters need to accept that you’re often not going to get what you want and in governance you often have to settle for choosing the thing you hate the least.

    On the other hand, I keep thinking I’m making the classic leftist mistake of demanding everyone should do what I think is right, because I am right, and then being frustrated when my rightness isn’t blindingly obvious to everyone.

    Like the lady says, It’s like rain on your wedding day…

    • very_well_lost@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld: You don’t run for office with the electorate you want, you run for office with the electorate you have.

    • SoftestSapphic@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Americans are impoverished and uneducated, Democrats are not, but they should be fucking smart enough to know you can’t use big words or complicated ideas with poor, distrqcted, and uneducated people.

      You force through policies that put money in their pockets, that tangibly improve their lives, or you piss them off even more and give them a minority to attack as a distraction from your lack of policy.

      The Republicans understand this.

      This is how you appeal to the impoverished and uneducated, and that will be the majority of the American voting population until a couple decades after we offer free education