Edit: So what I’m gathering is that they’re not so dangerous that they will strike out of nowhere, and people need to be alert of their surroundings constantly. They almost always get seen if there is going to be an interaction, and the vast majority of the time just walk away. Is this correct?

  • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Cats really are the ultimate hunters. Polar bears are terrifying but something about big cats is just so much worse

    • reddwarf@feddit.nl
      2 months ago

      Chances of me encountering a Polar bear are practically non-existing, as would encountering a Mountain lion for that matter, but I know I would be infinitely more scared for a Polar bear.

      The cat might be hungry, might be just curious but will probably leave you alone.

      A Polar bear though? If you see it, it already knows about you (heard, smelt or seen you) and you can count on 1 of 2 things happening from that moment on. 1) it is contemplating how to hunt you or 2) it is already actively hunting you.

      The thing is, for a Mountain lion there are possibilities of food besides you. You are a big risk for that lion and it will most probably go for easier options. For a Polar bear it is a must to hunt you as the opportunities to get food on polar regions is infinitesimally smaller than on other hunting grounds where Mountain lions would hunt.

      Mountain lions would get my hair to stand on end and make me alert but I walk on nonetheless.
      Polar bears would send me running for the nearest concrete hut and hope the door will hold.