meme made by me using free libre open source software aka Gnu Image Manipulation Program (ak… aka GIMP) uwu

(Lemmy original meme fr)

      2 months ago

      I think a group of people found a dead horse they like beating. They enjoy it, so they will keep going.

        2 months ago

        I just hate fanboys who’ll defend someone famous tooth and nail no matter what, like that person can do no wrong. I’m just so tired of this. Whether it’s Linus fans or Musk fans or whatever.

        I used to love what LTT did, NGL. I really enjoyed their channel. I also had my reservations at first when I heard that girl’s story. But looking a little further I found they didn’t treat their employees nicely, especially if they were women. And Linus’ attitude towards the people he wronged really irked me. So fuck him.

        And every time I mentioned that story, the little fan boys come out of the woodwork and all reply with that same stupid comment. We don’t know how that company, that LMG paid for, did their investigation, we don’t know what evidence was presented to them, so what do we really know about this invetigation? Just because they didn’t find anything doesn’t mean nothing wrong was done.