I don’t normally deep fry food because it’s annoying, uses a lot of oil, and not very healthy, but I somehow ended up with 2 lbs of oyster mushrooms and needed something else to do with them. Holy cow was it worth it.
Found the recipe here.
Wow, looks really good, I’d eat the fuck out of that with some marinara dip
Oooh, yeah, marinara would’ve been good too! I went with bbq sauce.
My initial plan was to have them in a cashew Alfredo pasta, but by the time I was done frying I was soo done with cooking for the night. xD
The upshot is I did make the Alfredo sauce already, so I can do that tomorrow.
I wonder if you could airfry them?
Although tbh sometimes you just need that wasteful oil bomb.
I’ve tried several times making air fried breaded mushrooms and always ended up with something pretty soggy. Nothing beats the crunch of full fat deep frying.
Maybe with crushed up corn flakes? 🤔
Dunno, I think I’ll experiment with it.
Good idea, let me know how it goes and if you find a good recipe
Yeah, that’s what I read as well. It’s too bad too, since deep frying is such a pain.
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