In 2100 I will be 126 so I hope not. Not unless they have massively improved geriatric medicine.
But imagine a worst reality, what if they do invent immortality drugs, and then we’re stuck with these idiots forever? What if it’s just century after century of the flat Earth conspiracy theorists (despite us clearly having a moon colony) and Andrew Tate.
Whoa. People born around this time will (hopefully) live to the year 2100.
mind be blown.
In 2100 I will be 126 so I hope not. Not unless they have massively improved geriatric medicine.
But imagine a worst reality, what if they do invent immortality drugs, and then we’re stuck with these idiots forever? What if it’s just century after century of the flat Earth conspiracy theorists (despite us clearly having a moon colony) and Andrew Tate.
I’m 36 and it’s not impossible that I’d see the year 2100 so yeah.