Source: “Philosophy in 5000 B.C.”


A multi-panel comic strip with a bunch of men in robes standing outside in a grassland. Two of them are famous philosophers.


Have you ever, in a moment of solitude, gazed into the stars and wondered why we exist?

We are given no guidance, no plan, no structure, we merely find ourselves existing.

We find ourselves born into a society, and take the world presented to us as a given. Is Humanity great enough to overcome this?

Do we have it within ourselves to create our own truth, or are we forever chained to the ideals of the society we find ourselves in?

Unidentifiable man:

Fred, god damnit not again! You let the deer run right past you. You find yourself in a hunter gatherer society, so hunt!


I was doing something more important.

Unidentifiable man:

What could be more important than survival?


Doing a transvaluation of all values, obviously!


Besides, that might have not been a real deer. It was probably an illusion created by an evil demon.

Unidentifiable man:

Guys! You guys! Can you just do some hunting? Or at least some gathering? Please. God damnit, why did I get born into the one hunter gatherer group filled with philosophers.

    2 months ago

    Man, I would do some serious gathering. Just spending all day in the woods with a few good-natured men and some wistful ladies? Hell yeah, brother. Throw some berries in the basket. It’s nice outside. We gatherin’. I can show you where the morels grow.