I’m Jewish and have been told very angrily that I killed Jesus more than once. It’s fun.

  • octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    If we assume Jesus was historically real - let me be clear that I don’t really care who was responsible for his death 2000 years ago. (which Christians believe was required for their own salvation anyhow).

    I have never understood why anyone would hold modern Jews (or any Jews at all that weren’t present and involved) responsible for Jesus’ death.

    Having said that, I have grown up believing it was more or less true that yes the Jews did kill Jesus. (But again, so what?)

    This post spurred me to do some duck duck going. I found these two articles interesting. At least I can see the basis for it now. For anyone else coming at this with a similar understanding:



    I will say that the first article does a pretty good job of setting up the case for why people believe that. (Unlike the second which kinda surprisingly acts like no one should ever have thought that in the first place.)

    Again, even if every person involved in Jesus’ death had been Jewish, and even if Jesus were the actual earthly incarnation of God as his son, I have never seen any basis to lay this at the feet of modern Jews. But now I know more about it than I did.

    • Count042@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Plus, it was the Romans that actually executed him.

      Why don’t these people hate Italians?