• masquenox@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Your arguments are fucking laughable - if I wanted to deal with rotting offal like this, I would have become a garbage collector.

    How about we talk about the last 30 years then.

    Yes. Lets.

    US shitfuckery in Panama.

    US shitfuckery in Somalia

    US shitfuckery in Haiti.

    US shitfuckery in Afghanistan.

    US shitfuckery in Yemen.

    US shitfuckery in Iraq.

    US shitfuckery in Pakistan.

    More US shitfuckery in Somalia.

    US shitfuckery in Uganda.

    US shitfuckery in Niger.

    US shitfuckery in the Red Sea.

    These are only off the top of my head - I’m sure there’s a few I’ve left out. These also don’t include the wars the west wages through it’s colonialist proxies and client states.

    why did the West not spend more on military in the last 20 years?


    As is perfectly obvious to anyone that can read, France and Germany together easily matched China’s military spending and outspent Russia by a wide, wide margin in 2009.

    If you’re going to post bullcrap, I’d advise you not to post so much of it in one go - all you’re achieving is to make the stink reach further.

    • NIB@lemmy.world
      4 months ago
      1. I was talking about Europe in case you missed it.

      2. Half your examples are older than 30 years old. The other half are literally fighting Al Qaeda and ISIS, on behalf and request of the local governments and population. In fact, in many west african countries, the West was “kicked out” and now Russia is literally doing the same(or promised to). Is Russia going after jihadists in Africa imperialism?

      Regarding the Red Sea, Is your argument that the West should allow people/nations/groups to attack commercial vessels? Is that morally ok with you? Is trying to stop them, imperialism? Should the West start hitting iranian vessels? Iran absolutely needs ships to be safe to travel in order to sell their oil. In fact, the Houthis hit a ship that was going to Iran.


      Even China has publicly opposed this shit.


      As is perfectly obvious to anyone that can read, France and Germany together easily matched China’s military spending and outspent Russia by a wide, wide margin in 2009.

      You need to understand what ppp is. And you need to break down the cost to see what each country is paying for. France and Germany have limited but highly paid military personnel. Countries like China have an huge military+paramilitary, that work for low wages while they are spending a lot of money on new equipment(at higher ppp, thus cheaper per identical thing).

      Remember when Trump was complaining about Nato allies not spending 2% of their gdp on defense? Literally every country in Europe has almost doubled their defense spending after the invasion of Ukraine. Why is that?

      Russia is spending 7.1% of their gdp on defense, 35% of total government spending. Are they doing it because they are imperialistic or because they are afraid the West will invade them? And if you say “obviously they are doing it in self defense”, let me remind you that

      1. They started it by invading a sovereign country.

      2. They have nukes, noone is invading them.

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I was talking about Europe in case you missed it.

        Which part of…

        As is perfectly obvious to anyone that can read, France and Germany together easily matched China’s military spending and outspent Russia by a wide, wide margin in 2009.

        …didn’t you get the first time around?

        Half your examples are older than 30 years old.

        Really? Go count them and get back to us. Don’t be long now!

        The other half are literally fighting Al Qaeda and ISIS,

        Are you talking about those Wahhabist groups that only exists because of the US’s shitfuckery? Those ones?

        Go on… fling your bullcrap at the wall in the hopes that something sticks - let’s see if anyone falls for this clever and sophisticated strategy of yours.