• LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    So glad Obama gave us universal healthcare… Oh wait.

    We all know this is bullshit right? Neither the Republicans or the Democrats give a shit about anything else then making rich people more money. I’m sorry to break it to you but the Democrats aren’t your friends. I know they pretended to be but they’re not. They are just as much your enemy as the Republicans. 😞

    • UnrepententProcrastinator@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      We know and the point of this post is that voting for one of them and grinding down the other is a clear message of what people want. Rich dude making his friends richer should have been a no-brainer but people keep using slimy tactics like the one you are using to distract the people from that fact.

      • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        The rich people who pay them both through lobbyists know what the people actually want. We don’t need to vote more clearly. 🙃

        I’m not using a slimy tactic. This is my opinion. Sorry you think that not agreeing with you is slimy.

        I’m a socialist. The Republican and Democratic parties are Siamese twins. They cannot survive without each other. They are completely dependent on the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils. Pretending like the Democrats actually cared about you or will do the things they say they will is an understandable coping mechanism for our situation but it’s not real. 🤷

        • UnrepententProcrastinator@lemmy.ca
          6 months ago

          One is moving the Overton window farther to the right. And it’s not like the other one is monolithic. They are forces within trying to do good but they have to negotiate with the institutions in place.

          • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Yep it’s a ratcheting effect. The Republicans moves us to the right and the Dems don’t move at all. Together they shift the Overton window to the right over time. If the Democrats weren’t in on it they would move the Overton window to the left when they come into power but they never seem to. Do you know why that is? It’s because they are paid by the same ultra rich people to achieve the same agendas. The rest of it is a spectacle to keep the powerless fighting amongst ourselves.

            Also edit/add: love your user name.

            • UnrepententProcrastinator@lemmy.ca
              6 months ago

              I disagree. If the vote was clear towards the available left instead of a lack of votes, it would have an effect on the parties. It’s the thinking within the democrats that they need to appeal to the right in some way because they vote way more than the left right now.

              • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                I mean you’re free to disagree and think what you want, but it seems like the evidence points very clearly in the direction that the Dems have no intention of doing the things they say they will do.

                You can believe it’s just a coincidence and that if you vote harder, they’ll do the things you want but history doesn’t seem to agree. 🤷

                Regardless of how we get there, I hope we get to a future where the US can actually have good leftist policies. Good luck ✌️

    • FreddyDunningKruger@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      At least you named yourself appropriately. Lazy. Otherwise, you would know that Obama attempted to provide a public option for healthcare. You do realize how politics works, right? You need a certain amount of votes and support in order to pass new legislation. If you don’t have enough votes on both sides of the aisle, then you change NOTHING. So yes, one side, the Democrats, tried to provide healthcare that had a public option, and the other side, the Republicans, fought tooth and nail to stop it.

      And you blame Obama. <polite golf clap>

      • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Personally attacking me right off the bat. Now that’s a sign of intelligence! /s

        So my point is that the Democrats never do what they say they will do. So pointing out that there was an unsuccessful attempt to create a public option doesn’t really undermine my point. It just illustrates it for me. Because the fact remains Obama didn’t not bring universal healthcare to the USA. I wish he had. I also wish he would have closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised. But again the Democrats just say nice things they don’t do them.

        I hate the Republicans too. I don’t attribute anything good to them. The I just don’t pretend that the Democrats actually care about working class Americans.

        I don’t have a particular axe to grind with Obama but if you need help seeing him as a charismatic individual who works against us on behalf of capital I recommend you look into how he downplayed the lead poisoning in flint Michigan https://youtu.be/AjugN-nUHh8?si=w_PTMd1QXzS47rQW

        If you need help seeing the Democrats as a whole as ruthless and against you i recommend you read about their pied Piper strategy https://theweek.com/speed-reads/1015258/the-pied-piper-strategy#:~:text=In Maryland%2C Pennsylvania%2C Colorado%2C,It also might backfire spectacularly.

        Good luck rude stranger ✌️😎