Bruh, not even IV’s are safe 😭 @vegancirclejerk
That means you’re cured of the vegan curse, you can eat real food again like hamburger helper or lutefisk!
You mean low iron, fatigue and brain fog, right? 🤣
And yet no one is complaining about that soybean oil. Because of woke
Thanks Obama!
Did you know that soybean oil is the first cause of deforestation in the Amazon? It’s not a story vegans would tell you though
I didn’t. I thought cattle ranching was the number one cause, and then palm oil second.
This is exactly what I read on two different papers. One of them being this
Not a single mention of soybean oil
Edit: soy is included but still not even close to cattle ranching and the small scale farming also includeds palm oil and sugarcane
Even funnier, is that the economic driving force of the soy industry is soybean meal for animal feeds compared to soybean oil.
Based on the productivities of soybean oil and soybean meal, revenues from soybean oil and soybean meal are ~23% and ~77% respectively. Though the oil expelling process is used to produce oil, the soybean meal is actually the driving force for the whole production system.
According to
Yeah, “papers”, right. More like “vegan propaganda” because PETA wants to keep making soy burgers for vegans without being held accountable
Will you just shut up, man?
As soon as being vegan is deemed illegal, I will, yes
Is it safe to inject vegetable oil into the bloodstream like this? Normally our digestive system breaks down the triglycerides into a form blood can safely carry. So I’m guessing complete triglycerides shouldn’t enter the bloodstream, right?
Obviously its safe
Is olive oil not vegan?
It’s a screenshot of a screenshot. Someone posted on the subreddit mildlyinteresting about olive oil and egg. Then someone else screenshotted that and posted it on vegancirclejerk lamenting about eggs.
Then it got acreenshotted and posted here.
So yes olive oil is vegan and no that was not the claim made by the person but I agree that it’s confusing