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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • I base that on the laws and regulations that the US has for immigration, vs the ones that countries like The UK, Germany, Japan, Canada and Australia have. There are navigable paths to US citizenship for people that don’t have skills that are needed in the US. For many other countries you either have to be rich or skilled to get in. Poor people aren’t welcome. Poor people aren’t exactly welcome in the US either, but they can get in.

  • I live in Imperial Beach, California. There is absolutely no reason to have one of these monstrosities here, and none of the 15 that live in my neighborhood ever have any type of mud on them. Not even the 4 whose hoods are at my eye level, I’m 6’3" / 192cm, because they lifted the hell out of them. I will admit that the guy who has an 8’4" tall old school VW bug may be a bit strange, but at least that thing looks cool, and he has it as an advertisement for his shop, so there was a reason for him to have the thing.

    Ironically the VW is the only one that ever has any mud on it.

  • He would have been happier to have nothing named for him and no statues erected. Apparently Woodrow “Author of Southern Revisionism” Wilson didn’t give even half a fuck about the dead man’s wishes. Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and a bunch of the other generals all specifically said that no monuments or commemorations should be erected to honor them, as they recognized they were traitors.

    Wilson is the one that refounded the KKK, helped fund the filming of Birth of a Nation, showed said travesty of a movie at The White House, used his Yale credentials to write Southern Revisionism, used his power as president to erect said statues and change the names of places and monuments, and segregated The Federal Government. That’s just looking at his domestic policies. Wilsonian Doctrine gave us the Forever Wars that have ensued since, and that could easily be argued to be the least damaging thing that asshole did.

    Wilson is only second to Jackson for worst president ever, and that’s only because Jackson paid off the national debt, and caused the worst depression in US history. Deepest by economic percentage, though not dollar amount, and longest by over a decade. They both committed their own flavors of genocide against the Native Americans.

  • The TV series Lucifer was basically like this. Sure, you go to hell, but your personal hell is reliving a moment that you could have grown as a person, and you don’t get out until you make the decision to grow.

    !Lucifer finally figured out that he’s in charge of hell, because he is the compassionate angel that can help get everyone out of hell.!<

  • I personally believe that if there is an afterlife, you’re the one responsible for how happy or punished you are. Everyone goes to the same place, but they experience different levels of comfort based on their own assessment of their life. This happens at a deep enough level that you can’t lie to yourself about it.

    Basically What Dreams May Come style.