I never did understand why you are not supposed to change a running system.
It’s not that you can’t, just that you shouldn’t unless you really, really think about what you’re going to change and do your due diligence. Otherwise, whatever the system is doing and whoever depends on it could get screwed over when someone makes a fucky-wucky because they didn’t do their homework.
In IT it makes sense, but for everything else it doesn’t
People will bully and right out assault you for it but yes, thats pretty much my life motto.
Improving things starts with seeing and speaking no matter how many folks really dont want to hear it.
thats pretty much my life motto.
Mine is similar: to make the world a better place, you have to be better than the world. It gives me motivation and guidance when in crappy situations where I feel like fighting back, but doing so would only continue the cycle of anger.
I teach my kid it’s important to lose bc you learn what to work on
Absolutely, though I do wish more of the public and local governments would follow this type of mentality. Seems like most local towns and cities have lost this.
Seems like everything’s more along the lines of “if it’s not completely broken, then don’t bother fixing or even improving it.”
I hate the phrase “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. There are so many things that work like shit that could easily be better without ruining anything.
However, being dissatisfied and talking about how bad things are isn’t sufficient to make anything better.
Your prettier if you would smile
The first step to solving a problem is recognizing that you have a problem.
But that’s only the first step. If you aren’t identifying that problem in specific terms (not vague generalities) and also proposing a solution (again not vague, and preferably SMART) then you are just complaining.
The first step in exceeding any limit is to realize there is one.
If you can’t criticize, you can’t optimize!