It’s now been about a month (somehow) since Dawntrail launched, so I assume most of us have finished the MSQ, and I’m curious about your thoughts!

For me, I actually really enjoyed not being the center of attention the whole time. It was a nice palette cleanser from the last ten years. It was fun to tag along see this whole new continent. Of course, things do end up getting more serious than that, and I was impressed they were able to get me to care about all these new people so quickly.

The new dungeons and group content all felt good. I liked that none of it seemed to be pushovers, and myself and my friends died several times figuring out the various boss battles — which is a good thing!

I just finished the story last night so I’m now at the point where there are some new quests which I assume will open up some new content. So I have no opinion there yet.

But what about you all?

  • november
    8 months ago

    The first half of MSQ was fine for me. Kind of cheesy but it’s like whatever, I don’t mind a silly low-stakes Final Fantasy story.

    The ending totally lost me! The writers obviously have their own personal agenda regarding

    Final zone objective spoilers

    what counts as “alive” and what doesn’t, and it really comes across as us going “I do not consider you to be truly alive, therefore it won’t be murder if I kill you.” And don’t at me about how “omg they would have sucked out all the life force from everyone on all the other reflections”, that was the writers putting their hands on the scale to make sure the players agreed with the conclusion they wanted us to reach.

    The English voice acting was so bad this time around. And no, not just Wuk Lamat like the dumbass culture war losers would have you believe, but even established characters like Thancred and Y’shtola were really phoning it in.

    At least the battle content is fun.