Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • If I release something free of restrictions to the world as a gift, that is my prerogative. And a third party’s actions don’t affect my ability to do whatever I want with the original code, nor the users of their product’s ability to do what they want with my code. And the idea of “property” here is pretty abstract. What is it you own when you purchase software? Certainly not everything. Probably not nothing. But there is a wide swath in between in which reasonable people can disagree.

    If you are an intellectual property abolitionist, I doubt there is much I can say to change your mind.

  • “Both good and bad news about Biden is out there. I prefer to share the bad news. But you know that already.” (Emphasis mine)

    I cannot see how that is an admission of bad faith (or dishonest as the mod said in the original post) in any fair interpretation. Unless you are defining “bad faith” as “something I disagree with” or “something that hurts my argument”.

  • Very disappointing. This is a politics group, not a news group. Politics is entirely about opinion and views on how to operate society. This is exactly the place for someone to post content that aligns with their political, moral, and philosophical views, even if that doesn’t align with your own. There is no such thing as a neutral observer in politics, and trying to force it just biases this group toward what the moderators view as “neutral” through their own biases. While bad faith posting (spam, etc) is a concern, it needs to be clearly defined and distinguished from simply expressing strong political opinions. Silencing voices for perceived bias undermines the purpose of political discussion.