Thats an apt analogy to the recent Path of Exile 2 fiasco
Thats an apt analogy to the recent Path of Exile 2 fiasco
"Unlike typical Doom mods, the project uses Construct 3 rather than utilizing the original Doom engine. "
This was not done in Doom but rather a Doom inspired creation.
Still,Dooms legacy has influenced more creativity ʘ‿ʘ
How did the line go? “There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism”
Yes. One example is the blue light blocking glasses. When he first started out on the platform he mentioned a lot of times that such products don’t work. However, a few years later took a partnership with a company that sells those and suddenly they work and the brand he partnered with is amazing.
Not to mentioned the fact that he has several million followers, sponsorships and a high paying job while still saying that all the income he gets serves to fund the posdcast and to keep his knowledge free.
He may have started with good intentions but he’s long gone to the grift side of things.
I don’t know since I personally don’t use soy beans a lot, I prefer lentils and other beans (black beans, brown beans, chickpeas, etc).
Wanted to provide some context so not to be dismissed as someone who does not believe in plant based diets.
How weak willed are these men?
I would like to preface the text bellow with the following: I’ve been plant based for 10 years eating animal products only on certain ocasions. I prioritize whole plant foods as much as I can.
With that said, the image is not correct. For example, Soy beans have around 18g of protein per 100g serving whereas a T bone steak has 27g of protein per 100g serving and ground beef has 25g of protein.
I’m all for promoting plant based foods since they have a lot more to offer than animal products, like more vitamins and minerals, fiber and phytonutrients. Spreading wrong information will do more harm than good in the end.
A perpetual motion train
This. Remove/block options that allow ads and keep the ones that filter then.
Musk is also forgetting that humans use other senses when driving, not just their sight.
Could be the potential extra burden on the healthcare system since obesity is highly correlated with a wide number of illnesses. Of course this applies to smokers and heavy drinkers too.
That part also confused me. Does he really think text prediction is intelligence?
Amen brother
The pedophile friend in question did not hide their preference for minors from Mr Beast at all. One anedoctal evidence being they had a commissioned drawing of a pre pubescent girl with sexual overtones on their living room which Mr Beast saw several times.
Much more similar to “vermelho” which is “red” in Portuguese
I don’t recall who said this but the planet will be fine, humans not so much.