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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • You’re either trolling or too stubborn to evaluate new information that might change your position.

    Medicare For All is not free healthcare, as in on the government’s dime, it is entirely paid for by taxes. (Unless you actually object to free healthcare as in being able to go to the hospital when you need it for free, which is too ludicrous to be sincere.) The only reason it seems “free” is that the total operating cost of the system without the middleman of private insurance is significantly lower than our existing healthcare spending.

    Most households would significantly increase their spending power throughout the year by eliminating healthcare premiums, deductibles, copays, and prescription costs in excess of $200 a year, and would only see a smaller increase at tax time. Those who would be paying more in total are very wealthy households who would be paying primarily at tax time, and frankly many of those households have not been paying their fair share of taxes already, so I find it hard to see that as a bad thing.

  • Twitch probably doesn’t care beyond reputational damage/liability.

    a settled lawsuit between Twitch and Beahm, where neither party admitted to any wrongdoing, and his contract was paid.

    In fact it sounds like Twitch made an effort to keep it quiet, which was successful until these former employees spoke out (hope they don’t suffer consequences)

    Edit to add: Which is not to say there couldn’t be separate consequences. It’s just not going to come from Twitch. I’m sure a certain three letter agency is quite a bit more interested in Beahm now.