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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 17th, 2024

  • "a full lifting of the blockade is required "

    In other words “Hamas must be allowed to import whatever armaments they desire”

    Go check yourself into the hospital for brain damage if you think this is remotely tenable.

    If you wanted to argue that they should just allow more food in or something I might have been able to have a conversation with you but clearly you just want to see Jews being indiscriminately murdered.

  • Open air prisons? With a population density less than that of a typical american city? Malnutrition wasn’t even a problem before the war. This open air prison narrative is just pure bullshit.

    As for “controlling the flow of goods in and out” you have absolutely no legs to stand on. Even with import inspections in place Hamas has been consistently firing rockets into Israel hoping to murder random civilians since their inception.

  • The last paragraph is not at all wrong. Lots of people other than Hamas want Israel to completely cease existing as a state. If you disagree with the sentiment that Israel should be able to have SOME land (and by extension the fact that chants like “from the river to the sea” are antisemetic) then you yourself are one of them.

    Hamas was the official party recognized by Palestinian voters. If you have an issue with Israel acquiescing to their demands in order to maintain some sense of stability then you have no right to suggest they intentionally tried to sabotage relations.

  • Regardless of whoever is voted in in my country (Canada) no politicians will be capable of facilitating a system where in the average working citizen can comfortably afford food and shelter.

    No one can do this because there is overwhelming sentiment that any attempt to socialize necessities necessarily devolves into some kind of dictatorship.

    If you want to suggest I should align myself with those people you’re going to have to do a little better than fear mongering because the writing is on the wall for how the country is going to end up if we keep following this route.

    Being able to vote for one of three people who are either unwilling or unable to ensure some basic standard of living for me is pretty damn low on my hierarchy of needs.

  • This makes no sense.

    You’re basically trying to tell your government that until they respect your privacy more you’re perfectly okay with letting foreign agents destroy your country’s tech infrastructure and voting in ways that makes it easier for them to do so.

    This can end with your own house getting incinerated by your own country’s nuclear arsenal because of your own actions.

    Why don’t you let people who haven’t had their braincells rotted away by meaningless cat videos do their job and pass the damn legislation?