Quite possibly a luddite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I am not talking about people enjoying things that I don’t personally enjoy, I was talking about an instinct that men (allegedly) have to share quote disgusting stuff with each other.

    This post doesn’t seem to me to be about sharing a weird common interest with your friends. There’s nothing (inherently) toxic nor gendered about having weird hobbies.

    The post is about seeing something disgusting and immediately sharing it with all your friends who will also be disgusted, and portrays this as if it’s just a completely normal thing for men to do. And while I can kind of understand where the assumption that men behave like that comes from, I have never experienced anything like that with any of my friends, and I’m pretty sure I never will. So it seems like a bit of a misrepresentation.

  • There’s so many weird societal constructs about how men are supposed to behave. I have never encountered any of that shit with my friends, but that’s probably partly due to a selection process where I have no interest befriending people who display toxic masculinity traits.

    If you genuinely think men obsess over disgusting shit and talk about who they want to fuck all the time, maybe take a moment to reconsider a) who you’re hanging out with or b) the cultural impulses you allow to shape your perception of the world.

    I think the main reason men act this way is that they’re trying to fit into an image of masculinity that has been imposed on them, in part through tweets such as this one.

  • I’m not sure I see the benefit of this. The point that Wikipedia might eventually become corrupted is made moot by the permissive licensing of the information there. The main challenge of the Wiki format is with fact checking and ensuring quality, which is only made more complicated by having a federated platform.

    ActivityPub is great for creating the social web. The added benefit of ActivityPub for non-social services is not obvious to me at all.

    That said, it’s a cool proof of concept, and I’m sure it can be useful for certain types of federated content management - I just don’t see how it could ever make sense as a Wikipedia alternative.