That will be printed on the promo material. Reality is ‘Made in China’ as with the MAGA hats, flags and other Trump merch.
That will be printed on the promo material. Reality is ‘Made in China’ as with the MAGA hats, flags and other Trump merch.
I think you’re confusing virginia with virgin. Lemmy is for the latter.
Would be quite an unexpected plot twist for a Trump presidency.
A couple of years ago there was a startup (Pontus Protein) that promised to scale up the production and post-processing of that plant. Unfortunately, after collecting the venture capital they simply disappeared into nowhere. I was really interested in this crop and really disappointed when I stopped getting updates.
Why only US bees? Pretty racist, huh?
Why not cut it into squares and give it a try? If they’re fine, add frosting on the 5 sides, otherwise you can still freeze 'em.
I do it a lot to find new interesting content and communities. I just block all communities that I don’t want to see in my feed. It’s not too much TBH. Maybe one new community per month or so.
I am not an active activist but I love cooking and when I’m with friends or family, I often volunteer te prepare the food. And doing so I got tons of positive feedback, people asking for recipes, what it’s made of, where to get the ingredients etc.
And as people are coming to me, rather than the other way around, they don’t feel pushed in a negative way. Especially children often love the vegan stuff and explicitly demand (!) the dishes from their parents after they tasted the flavor. As the parents often have issues to find healthy food that their children like, my tips are often very welcome.
My favorite choice for such occasions is all kind of seitan, because it’s easy and fast to make, has high protein, a great texture and is very versatile based on the spices you add.
Doing it my way, you don’t turn omnivores into vegans in a day but I definitely know that many of them integrated various plant based foods into their everyday cooking and reduced their consumption of animal products.
Okay okay, calm down man… Just meant to be friendly and leave a comment but I know when I’m not wanted.
There’s also [email protected].
Every fourth Tesla fails the first EU-inspection. The average for all cars is 3%, so it’s exceptionally bad.
I also wouldn’t buy a car from that freak for various reasons but that high failure rate at the first inspection can be at least partly explained. Tesla - unlike most manufacturers - doesn’t do regular inspections on their own. Most cars are checked (and repaired!) by the dealership before they get officially checked. Therefore, the 25% aren’t completely comparable to the 3%.
I think i’ll just stop existing at some point. Maybe there’ll be some pseudo visual sensations (‘light’) as I die but other than that I don’t expect any kind of ‘after life’.
Half of the time I look forward to my death, it doesn’t scare me since I don’t see the real point of my life
I think we shouldn’t be scared of death but still try to enjoy our limited lifetime as much as we can. If you feel depressed continously, I can only advise you to seek help. Life shouldn’t be like that. If you have friends or family that you trust, tell them how you feel. In case you don’t, that’s okay. You may reach out to professional organisations or helplines instead. :)
Wealth is unfortunately not evenly distributed within society and there are plenty of different reasons for that. Maybe the step dad already had rich parents, maybe he was lucky to be at the right place at the right time, maybe he’s a better business man than you, maybe he just won the lottery. If you don’t know, you can’t tell her.
Make sure to let her know that having less money doesn’t make one less valuable as a human. That you hope, she’ll have enough wealth one day but in case she won’t that it’s not her fault. It’s not about being stupid or lazy. And that money isn’t everything that counts.
This. Being able to pee without necessarily setting down is great when you’re outside, or in a public toilet but I see absolutely no sense of doing that at home.
gold colortanning cream
Free sauna without a high electricity costs. Sounds like a win to me!
I guess this question has to be looked at from multiple dimensions.
From a purely economical and short-term perspective, maybe yes. Every human not contributing to society at an at least average level, is consuming ressources and driving up the costs. No matter if it’s due to illness, disability, depression, age, weakness, missing intelligence etc.
From a social perspective, such a program quickly can turn into a nightmare: First of all, everyone would be under pressure. If you’re not a constant top performer, you’d feel like a burden on society. And the bar to be a top performer would constantly rise as more and more people on the ‘lower end’ decide to end their lives.
Second, it’s impossible to quantify the value of a person holistically. People can provide no direct economic value and still be an important member of society. Like emotionally supporting others, being loved, providing jobs etc.
Furthermore - in a society where at some point the ‘weak’ are expected to ‘voluntarily’ end their lives, people would be constantly scared. No one would be willing to take any risks because getting injured, getting a depression etc. would be like an implicit death penalty. This would again lead to devastating effects on economy.
I personally think that everyone should be allowed to end their lives if they really deeply want it. But this should never be expected, actively promoted or pushed for. And I think it should involve at least a consultation with a medical professional to avoid hasty decisions due to a temporary crisis.
I don’t think so. In the US there are more than twice as many vegans and vegetarians among black people compared to the overall public. At least that’s the result of a study from 2015.
Also India and Mexico have quite a lot of vegans and vegetarians according to this source:
However, I do think that veganism as an ethical movement is mainly a thing in developed countries. If you are struggling to survive in a rather poor place, I guess many people don’t have enough free capacities to think about animal rights.