Can you get soy in large quantities cheaply? Genuine question, my local markets don’t seem to have a lot of soy anything around that isn’t specialty and expensive.
I went googling for the Epos GSP headsets after this comment, only to learn they are discontinued. What a bummer, they seem nice.
Mounting games to your virtual machine as a network drive? That sounds like a rather tricky workaround. Has it given you much trouble?
I do not know what those are. So, another reason then: still ignorant
That’s an idea, for sure… Ehh, why not, I’ll see if I have a big enough flash drive laying around that can do that.
Who the hell is down voting this? This couldn’t be more satire if it tried!
Alright, as much as I want to give Microsoft the double birds and leave, way too many modding programs are .exe based.
And I just cannot yet be fucked to learn how to do per-app emulation. It scares me, things just sort of work here, and I can give them one and a half birds by removing almost all their telemetry garbage.
That being said I do really like the idea of Linux, I just want a little bit more idiot friendliness out of it
And now I have a new monthly payment, which depending on where I get it can be rather tough depending on a variety of factors. I’m not a banker, I can’t weigh in too intelligently on this part, but I have had a car payment before and been laid off. That monthly payment ate through my savings damn fast while I was looking for a job. Lesson learned, I’m not inclined to buy anything with a loan any time soon. I just don’t trust it
I make $50k a year. Most Americans make less than I do. Mid range or not, that’s not in reach for most people.
Because those specific cards are fuckloads more expensive.
Risky click of the day…
Ok, downloaded peertube (because to hell with Google and YouTube) looked around… Um, is there not too much to look at right now? Are the people I normally watch on YouTube unable to be seen on peertube? Don’t get me wrong, all about decentralized everything but if the people I like aren’t there I’m feeling a bit up a creek.
Or, more likely, am I missing something? Forgive me, please, I am rather new to this concept and how to work the federations and such.