@[email protected] I don’t know much about this plugin, but I do know it was “aquired” by Automattic… basically meaning that the developer was hired to work for Automattic. I don’t watch every episode of As WP Turns, but in the last episode of that drama I watched I think Matt announced that Automattic was scaling back their contributions to the open source aspects of WP… which would include this plugin.
If you want to see this change, you will likely need to make the request in the form of a PR. If you don’t have the knowledge and skills required to do that (and aren’t willing to invest the time it take to gain that knowledge and skill), I suggest you start being more professional and polite when making requests for the changes you want.
You’ve paid nothing for this code. Have some empathy for the maintainer.
@[email protected]
@[email protected] the “majority” actually voted for someone else or chose not to vote. Only ~30% support this circus.