Allow me to gas Finland up a bit more. They’re higher than Germany in terms of innovation (triadic patents per capita), they have semi-democratically owned grocery stores with 90% of the country being a member/co-owner, they have 60% union density and a Ghent system (like Sweden, unlike Norway), their housing prices were among the few in Europe falling - after the government started their Housing First initiative and built social housing for the poor, their education system being so good (despite being relaxed unlike e.g. Singapore) and state-funded instead of private… life is pretty good in Finland.
Will they really be more isolationist?
The current President of Brazil (Lula) was intentionally delayed the ability to run as president against the far-right Bolsonaro, with the help of the CIA under Trump’s years.[1] Another Coup attempt in 2020 partly by Silvercorp USA, which just happened to provide security for Trump a few years earlier while Trump put a $15 million bounty on the person (Maduro) who was targeted by the Coup.[2]
I’m not so sure we’ll see less political interference in the rest world the world.