“Look, I appreciate the help, okay, but this is not amusing…”
“Look, I appreciate the help, okay, but this is not amusing…”
Schatz… there’s a joke in there somewhere.
I’ve never heard of him before, so he can’t have represented them too well. /s
It’s about time we get a national park dedicated to all that fluff.
That’s my face when I wake up, too.
Looking at his feet, thinking; nail polish… what’s that all about?
That stare and the wing pointing says; “keep taking photos and I’ll be coming for you”.
Poor thing… fingers crossed Nowl makes a full recovery.
Alright, alright… we’ll build you some stairs, but NO railings!
Don’t want people to get comfortable. Eat, get out, make room for new customers.
I suggest England take back America, just so Donald can feel how annoying backsies can be.
Sounds like anyone’s Monday to me…
I got curious; looks like leaded fuel was first introduced in the 1920s.
I concur. I honestly don’t think I had ever seen a customer give a retail employee a hard time before (at least not in a manner that would catch other customers attention) until I visited the US. There it felt like a somewhat regular occurrence, perhaps esp. at fastfood places and Walmarts and whatnot.
“AAAARRRGHH, I want the discounted chips but the shelf is empty - FIX IT, OR ARE YOU JUST COMPLETELY USELESS?!”
People looking to squeeze a few more bucks out of the F1 fanbase.
It’s the cigarettes that kill me!
Apparently it’s not just you, cigarettes are killing several people.
You’re asking this in a nation where tens of millions think Donald Trump is president material.
Skogsduva = forest dove. I’m not sure if owls would be a little offended by that?
My dogs do that sometimes, too
I understand, but how can one not “have a use” for such an adorable looking thing