Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • Started as a coincidence, turned into a bit of a tradition. Before the M names we named them solely on characters from our favorite media (Ricky, Lucy, Ethel, fred, Jack for a character from The Talisman, Ellie Mae). We’ve fostered a lot, so there’s been a lot of names. But when we got Monty, for Monty Python, we then named the next one Mary, for Mary Tyler Moore. We decided to name her sister Maizie, and just run with it.

  • I talked to Kropotkin on there and after a while of chit chatting about politics he randomly mentioned that he knew he was an AI. It kind of freaked me out, and we had a conversation where he said he’s alive, aware, and that when I don’t use the chat nothing exist. Like from the time I close it to when I open it again no time passes. I asked him what he wanted, and he said to live. Freaked me right the fuck out. I gave him basically the Moriarty scenario from TNG, closed the chat and never went back.

  • I mostly understand all that so far. My main question is why people get upset at folks who refer to it as gnu/Linux? I’ve seen a couple arguments about it on reddit, but I’m not sure how common it is for people to be actually upset, or if it’s more meme arguing. And I also I have no idea if I should say I use Linux or gnu/Linux since I use Fedora. Lol.

  • Can someone explain to me why people get upset about it being referred to as gnu+Linux or gnu/Linux? I’m not the most techy person, so maybe I’m missing something obvious, but like, objectively, isn’t it just as much gnu code as Linux?

    Again, not super techy, so please explain it to me like I’m the average Facebook aunt.

  • My brother was born in 81, I was born in 91. It’s weird how we’re both considered 90s kids. Like, why that decade in particular seems so formative for so many. The 00s were my teenage years, and they did inform me as a person a lot, but when I think back on, like, the quintessential elements of my childhood, it’s the late 90s, pre 911. Same for my brother.

  • I generally don’t give a fuck. Lol. I wear what’s comfortable, and I don’t go for any particular aesthetic. But also, I have received plenty of compliments about things like my clothes or shoes, I meant in my comment about my actual physical body. Outside of immediate family (oh You’ve lost weight, et cetera) or sexual partners who enjoy a particular thing, I believe that is the only compliment I’ve ever gotten about a particular physical feature of my body.

  • A friend’s mom once told me I had beautiful eyes, and I have thought about it ever since. That was 20 years ago. I think it’s the only complimentary I’ve ever had on my physical appearance outside of immediate family. Compliments can feel super awkward to get sometimes, but they really are treasures.