Welcome any new users! We’ve got memes on deck at [email protected] and if you’re a programmer of some kinds we got [email protected] to scratch that itch and be sure to drop a shit(post) off at [email protected] or if you want SCIENCE and memes head over to the wonderful [email protected] or if you just want regular SCIENCE mander.xyz is full of sciency comms like [email protected] and [email protected] . [email protected] is also nice this time of year, but you’ll have to post before you can leave.
We’re not without our cons though, biggest problem we have are probably the Tankies, but here they’re mostly on the Tankie Triad lemmy.ml, lemmygrad and hexbear. For most instances you only have to worry about .ml, but on Lemmy you can do a personal instance wide block if you’d rather just not deal with them. If you want to see what they get up to from a safe distant check [email protected]
Lemmy.cafe is an instance that blocks the entire Tankie Triad
Thanks, I read through it and it makes sense now, though I’m not sure how much we can trust CDC info currently, but it doesn’t look like it’s been modified (yet) to be crazy
I’m def in that window, so that’s probably why that or the whole “unless there’s an outbreak” part, which is why I asked him about it in the first place lmao