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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • I dont think my opinions are what you think they are. I havent called anyone lazy, im not criticizing democrats for not doing enough, theyve done a lot, a lot of harm. The story isnt republicans wanted to break the rail strike and democrats didnt stop them, the democrats outlawed the strike! They passed the IRA with zero republican votes, and still included millions of acres in federal land leasing explicitly for oil and gas extraction.

  • which they did end up getting concessions on

    They ran a hell of marketing on this, a non-rail union, that voted against the strike, made a statement that some rail workers got some sick days. Not all of them, not as much as they could have gotten, and most importantly of all, like i said, their bargaining power for the future is ruined.

    They also passed the largest climate bill ever.

    Ironically thats the same bill Im referring to. Again, they did great marketing.

    The GOP has blocked every single attempt at improving the ACA and has tried to repeal it dozens of times.

    Like i said, they did make changes to it. No attempt was made to fix the poor americans not getting any help.

    Can you point to a someone who hasn’t?

    Doesnt change anything

  • The problem is the proposals are either dropped, or poisoned. Like he campaigned hard on unions, then he butchered rail workers bargaining power. He campaigned on renewable energy, then signed into law mandated sales of federal land for oil and gas extraction. The affordable care act has an unintended flaw making millions of Americans too poor to qualify for any kind of assistance getting health insurance, he campaigned on fixing that gap. Instead he raised how wealthy you can be and still qualify for assistance. He’s raised defense spending, dumped a half trillion more on the US highway system, and deported way more immigrants and shutdown asylum.

  • But no one here’s promoting Trump. I know youre seeing it as intrinsically Biden vs Trump, so detracting from Biden is the same as bolstering Trump. The goal is to beat Trump. The means to do that is everyone rallies behind one candidate. The problem is right now, Bidens not beating Trump, his age and health combined with the tragedy in Gaza is preventing too many people from rallying behind him. He has the most people rallying behind him of all current opponents to Trump, but not enough.

    The timeline where we beat Trump is Biden withdraws from the race and endorses another candidate. Remove Biden as an option and everyone rallying behind him purely because he has the largest support against Trump is forced to shift to another candidate, and we can push for the people that werent rallying behind Biden due to age and Gaza to also rally behind the new candidate, and hopefully then have enough people rallying behind one candidate to beat Trump.