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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • Normally, I like privacy oriented apps. I use Signal when I can. Years ago, I heard telegram was good for android sharing of binaries that would unlock my bootloader, and used it for that. There were a few people in the group chat posting some suspicious links, but i ignored that. Then i explored it for pcb keycaps group, that was a smaller group. Tons of porn and suspicious links started to pop up in the chat. I felt I was one step removed from things I didn’t want to be a part of in any way.

    I know this type of stuff probably happens on Signal and most other “privacy” oriented chat apps. I had this feeling on Telegram that it was part of the norm though. Like how cigarettes companies said they weren’t targeting young people but we all knew the messaging appealed to them. I never dug deep into this. I just bailed on Telegram and decided I didn’t want to participate. I’m sure lots of people use it for it’s intended use and I hope the owners/creators were not turning an obvious blind eye to evidence of evil foul play on their platform for the sake of the almighty dollar.

  • I hope you’re right. I feel like “most” of us in the USA already picked who we are voting for. For the undecided in key states who haven’t, I don’t know if the DNC or RNC matters or not. I hope it does. I don’t want it to come down to some random event late in September that they remember as they walk to the polls on Election Day.

    Gaza can strangely have a huge impact if something memorable happens before Election Day. I’m not saying most of it has not been something all of us shouldn’t remember. I can just see the current admin mishandling another Bibi crazy move alienating Muslim voters.

  • Thank you. I mainly wanted to know what the talking points are so I can have effective conversations with the people around. This one semi popped out of nowhere for me and I felt I missed something.

    Agreed, the term “feminist propaganda” alone here is enough to make me question the studio/publisher leadership group.

    @Chee_Koala, I’ve read your other comment on this post and I agree with you. Going to pass on the game. It’s the reality of today. If we want things to improve we have to vote with our democratic right to vote if we have it or we vote with our money. This type of topic pops up a lot in media, big tech and most other large companies that somewhat dominate an industry. There are enough options out there where we can’t always make the perfect moral decision, but we can at least try to choose on the lesser of many evils in our shopping and media consumption based on the information we have.

  • I don’t want to stream on Twitch, YouTube, or Kick. My audience is my group of close friends on discord. I’d rather not use the big platforms for multiple reasons. The main one being these platforms see everyone as numbers and have moved away from pretending to be customer focused and are all bottom line focused to a fault now.

    So owncast. Quick webhook call to the discord servers announcing the stream started and people can watch me fail on League of Legends.

    Side note, realize I said big platforms and discord is still in use. Moving friends off of discord is its own challenge. But I’ve been working on that.

  • Did a ton of reading on that. It’s very hit or miss. It’s a similar approach to creatine loading and then drinking a large amount before a drug test. Some places also make you retake the test if your pee is too diluted. At the end, the adderall is more important to me. It helps me be a better father and husband. The THC is mostly to help me sleep and have a few hours not anxiously trying to make plans for every possible outcome in my work week (which tends to not be useful).

    Until the government gets their act together (and I mean all of them, the democrats also have holdouts on the topic), I’m stuck doing this in the state I live in. Moving isn’t an option as our family, jobs and support structure is all here.

    Thanks for the advice though. I appreciate people trying to help a person out and I genuinely mean it. I think we have too many old school and old fashioned people in office on both sides of the isle and hopefully that will resolve itself in the upcoming years.

  • My doctor is aware of my THC use. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. I was essentially self medicating with THC to control some of the symptoms that come along with ADHD like anxiety. I could not start on adderall until I tested clean of THC. Took 2.5 months of being without THC and repeated trips to my doctors office and getting tested before I passed (the Amazon test strips were not as sensitive as the doctors office one).

    Overall I’d pick adderall over THC any day. But the truth is both together is even better. Adderall during the day and THC (well THCA in my state) to wind down at night. It’s just lame to have to spend 2 months a year having to stop THC to finally feel like I’m happy the rest of the 10 months of the year.

  • Man, I’m glad themes of guillotines are popping up.

    No, we are hopefully past needing this in this era and can get back on track without major violence. But I keep feeling like we’re heading towards a point where we will have in desperation to pull out the guillotines once again.