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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • I’m angry, sad, frustrated, tired.

    Trump, his people and party are still causing damage while he’s out of office, Project 2025, increased corporate and government surveillance and abuse, global rise in unrest, war, and fascism, accelerating climate change, Biden and his administration asleep and decaying at the wheel at this point, a corrupt congress and Supreme Court, people too busy with inflation and a whole lot of manufactured shit to unite and do anything about anything with peaceful protests that usually end in cops waving their fat budget around to arrest, beat up, or tear gas them with military spec gear. I don’t like where this is going.

    At what point do Americans use that 2nd Amendment against tyranny as it was intended? Or is that difficult because the wrong party and classes have most of the guns? Is a peaceful resolution even possible with the way things are? I’d like that to be the case. The founders must be rolling in their graves. Maybe we should do it like the French, roll out the guillotines, and shut this shit show down globally before it gets any worse.

    We’re supposed to be evolving into a more free society… this is just going backwards. Do people really want to spend their lives without having known true liberty and peace? I see many dejected people saying “rip democracy just put us out of our misery” or “it’s over”. Can you really value life that little, even or especially your own that you just wait for a perceived inevitable outcome that’s being dictated by those with power and wealth? I do get it believe me but we should really be doing something substantial at this point to secure a healthy future for all humanity with all of our advancements. The world can’t continue the way it has been anymore.

  • It’s not just European elites who are afraid of upheaval. It’s all of them. It’s one of the reasons why they all have bunkers, why Zuckerberg is building another one in Hawaii recently. They know that we can actually do something about them because we outnumber them by a lot, so they build these systems of control. Governments, corps, elites have all become noticeably more brazen in the past several years.

  • I’ve gone off the FOSS deep end so it doesn’t stop when I see Windows used in the wild.

    The longer I’m here, the more I recoil at the sight of people using products from Google so casually and thoughtlessly.

    I’ll feel visceral disgust when I see the soulless, dystopian corporate logos of Xitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc that wormed their way into a universal presence on social footers of websites or promotional emails or search engines… and everyone’s locked down devices, sucking up troves of data to map who you are, were, and will be. Even McFuckingDonalds has a clause in a policy saying they’ll measure your intelligence.

    The greater the intersect between emotions felt while enjoying a cautionary fictional cyberpunk tale and those felt while experiencing reality… well, anyway you get the idea.

    Tldr I need a hug from a penguin or cocaine from a bear or something holy shit

    You, reader, go. Hug a penguin. Spread love to the world. Believe in the change you want to see. Be good to each other. And don’t let anyone or anything take who you are, were, or can be away from you, be it a corp, a government, or a bad day.

    Have a good day

  • I keep seeing posts about ml recently. Is it time to migrate off? I joined it because it was like the only instance available during the start of the reddit migration and it says “FOSS and privacy enthusiasts” which I am. I didn’t even care to know what a tankie was until my all feed started to fill up with so. much. politics. including from lemmygrad and hexbear for the last few months. Fellow ml users seemed normal too.

    Idk friends I just want to wear linux knee socks and engage with my niches. I didn’t expect all the hail china or seeing “removed” all the time or to end up being grouped in with lemmygrad and hexbear by users from other instances.

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