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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Why stop emphasizing right before a very critical point that is obvious:

    which would come at great cost to economically devastated Lebanon.

    Hezbollah is not in a position to benefit from any altercations. It is why they aren’t being the aggressor. There’s just Israeli offensives taking place. Remember Israel is still also doing the same things in the West Bank they’ve been doing.

    The absolute and incredible disparity of capabilities cannot be ignored. They aren’t justification of any, but justified damnation for those in power and control.

  • I think if you’ve approached anything I have written here as a refuation of your initial premise, then yeah you probably are feeling that way. You’re trying to manufacture an argument where there isn’t actually one. If the greater context as to what led to such an absurd premise of 1931 is such a conundrum, then it should probably be left at that.

    The absurdity of the KPDs position in 1931 is laughable. The context of what led to this absurdity becoming the actual policy and historical event is fascinating and worth learning about, but obviously not here nor for you.

  • The period of time where the KPD became Stalinist and Thalmann took over? When the Nazis became powerful with th3 support of the ebtrenched hyper right wing? That’s the context I am getting at. That period of time was the SPD hemorraging support in all directions, be it to KPD or NSDAP. Like, I am highlighting the absurdity of the 1930s KPD position here that the failings to stop the Nazis thus far led to Thallman thinking that absurd policy had a shot.

    The SA 100% grew out of Freikorps.

    And 1920-1928 is not the 8 years prior to 1931, or a half decade.

    Being so loosey goosey with these things doesn’t mesh with the kinds of statements you keep making here.

  • The whole organization of the German (prussian) military was not just Freikorps. That whole machination which Ebert helped maintain is what I am explicitly referencing and including. Even so: that period of time where Freikorps effectively disbanded was when they converted into orgs like Consul or the SA starting in the 1920s. That component isn’t as fragmented or inconsequential as it may seem. There is continuity there and it isn’t insane to know about it.

    KPD that had had a very productive relationship with the SPD for the past 8 or so years

    They really did not. The SPD fucked up Weimar by working with all the right wing factions in the 20s and then the KPD fucked up by working with the right wing faction in the 30s. The united front collapsed in like 1922, or at least by the 1924 elections and definitely by the time Hindenburg was president from 1925.

    The fraught politics of post war Germany was so chaotic that it resulted in something so crazy and insane to a modern reviewer: the KPD actively supporting Hitler like it was going to work out.

  • I really am more focused on the whole Prussian military organization structure and the coalition with the Freikorps, who were demonstrably anti-democratic monarchist military groups in direct coalition with the Ebert government. It is such a major component to the whole SPD-KPD relationship that was so bad it led to Thallman actively supporting Hitler.

    The context as to what led Thallman’s KPD to arrive at such a disastrous policy you’re referencing here is something I think is interesting and important for people to know about. Obviously such history is offensive for this topic, and not what you were looking for.

  • Funny how tankies and their apologists always leave that out.

    How is highlighting the aftermath of World War 1 and that context leaving it out? Specifically in the attempt to include the anarchy of post war Europe is hardly a nefarious or intentional omission. Don’t mistake calling out a truncated timeline as a call for another one. I am refrencing the roving bands of militant monarchists seeking to overthrow the nascent republic and you’re missing that?

    The critical issue is Ebert (who inherited authority from the monarchy initially) made a coalition with the Freikorps to allow the Weimar republic to inherit the separate governance for the military that existed in the Reich. That was instrumental and core to the issue. The organization and governance of Germany military until, like, NATO, was extremely hostile to democracy itself, amd surprisingly also a critical barrier to german communism in any form, be it spartacist, stalinist, or whatever.

    Ebert making his pact with Groener after being given power, but before elections, shouldn’t be overlooked either. Pact in November 1918, extrajudicial slayings by Freikorps a week before the January 1919 elections.

    “Compromising” here meaning “If you surrender we’ll give you amnesty”. Wow, what an astounding compromise.

    Yes, this is the historical context. Compare to the level of amnesty given to communists who were summarily executed.

    The failure of the proletariat revolution to succeed in Europe, especially in Germany, left Russia as the only successful revolution. The shift away from permanent revolution by the trotsky wings into stalins ‘socialism in one country’ was a response to what happened primarily in Germany and Hungary. It should be of no surprise communists in Germany by the 30s were following the USSR line.

  • I wouldn’t cut things off at a half decade. A little more than a decade prior the German communist leadership were killed by military companies in coalition with the SPD, and then those same military groups tried to overthrow the SPD government, but the SPD ended up compromising with the coup uprising anyway.

    So understandably the extrajudicial slayings of German’s communists sort of formed a schism between the SPD and the KPD. This all but assured any remaining communist power or authority in Germany had to look to the barely formed USSR for support: they’d literally fled there with their lives.

    The important context is this period includes the aftermath of World War 1 where the German Empire collapsed and with the loss of centralized government and authority, communes and provisional governments were being formed all across Europe. There were also mercenary groups wanting to abolish the Republic and restablish the monarchy.

  • Revolutions are long-term work. They are not nor ever have been overnight affairs throughout history.

    Now there’s an adage attributed to everyone’s favoritr 20th century revolutionary actor: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

    These are to be taken into account together. Don’t mistake those weeks as separate or independent from the decades.