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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I remember during the GPU shortage I managed to get a new graphics card from waiting outside a best buy for it to open. So I tried to sell my old one on eBay. Gave good pictures and followed all the rules as far as I could tell but because I had never sold anything on their platform before I was instantly banned with no way to appeal. I get they were probably having to deal with lots of scammers but if I could appeal or talk to support I could literally prove I had the GPU I was selling but as far as I could tell there was no option for that. So now I can’t sell anything on eBay unless I get someone else to sell it for me.

  • What I hate more are the entry level jobs that will be like that. Like bro it’s an entry level job and you’re expecting people to have a super deep understanding makes no sense. Like I get it’s just marketing and a way to lower the number of applicants to get just the really good ones but it makes it so much harder to figure out what level of skill a job is looking for if they all say they want experts with certain skills or tools.

  • No I’m just saying that Israel is more responsible for Hamas than the Palestinians. If Israel wanted to they could stop their oppressive programs and the expansion of their state through settlers. They could take more care when trying to fight Hamas which it’s pretty clear they don’t right now with the number of civilian deaths and massacres that have happened. You’re trying to say instead of resisting that they should try to negotiate, but without the threat of violent resistance if the negotiations don’t go through then what reason does Israel have to negotiate? If there’s no resistance they can just ignore the Palestinians attempts to negotiate or stall them indefinitely while they continue to push them out of their homes. And yes Hamas is bad and them winning wouldn’t be a good thing but it’s understandable why Palestinians would support them when the only other option is to lay down and die. And yes their resistance is probably not gonna stop Israel in the long run, only international pressure and sanctions on Israel would actually get them to stop the terrible things they’re doing. But that doesn’t mean trying to resist is bad cause again the only other option is to lay down and let the Israel state bulldozer over you and your people.

  • I’m not arguing that Israel should just sit down and let them do whatever they want. I’m just saying that resistance is justified when it’s clear all the other side wants to do is take your home and push you and your people out. Israel is ultimately responsible for giving evil groups like Hamas support as it’s hard for Palestinians to care about their beliefs when the other side is indiscriminately killing your people and trying to either push you out or treat you as a second class citizen. All they see is a group that is trying to fight against the people doing that so they support it. Cause the only other option is to lay down and get bulldozed by Israel. Without fighting Israel has no reason to care or negotiate, and even with fighting they barely have a reason to care with all the support they get from the western world.

    Also it’s pretty clear they don’t really care about the safety of their people. See all the protests against how the government is handling the situation in Israel and the fact that their indiscriminate fighting against Hamas has killed many of the hostages they’re trying to save. It’s just an excuse to expand their control and get rid of more of the Palestinians from the region.

    I do agree that the goals of getting rid of Jews from the region are terrible and not possible but the solution isn’t to let them keep pushing the Palestinians out more and more. That would be like saying during the time of manifest destiny well it’s impossible to give the native Americans all their land back cause we live here now so they should stop fighting back and let us take more of their land.

  • While I do generally agree there are times when working with the government isn’t possible, much like with what’s happening in Israel. Israel has shown they’re not gonna make things better unless they’re forced to. Sure you can argue the resistance isn’t gonna work and is just a way for the leaders to have power but that doesn’t mean resisting in general isn’t justified. Even if resistance is futile it doesn’t mean that trying to resist is bad.

  • Yeah that’s definitely not something that’s shown as much in media. The fact that usually resistance groups that do well tend to be the more extreme ones. Probably because of their beliefs they’re willing to fight back in ways other groups wouldn’t which limits those other groups’ effectiveness. And then because the more extreme groups are seen as more effective at resisting the occupying power they end up getting more support from the people than more moderate groups.

    But at least in the case of Israel part of the reason Hamas is able to have so much support from the people and power is Israel’s fault for all the terrible things they’ve done to the Palestinians. In media when the evil government does evil things the resistance gains support and the same things happens in real life even if the resistance is also doing terrible things. They’re seen as at least better than the oppressors who are actively killing their friends and families.

  • One reason for this is these shows don’t tend to show the morally questionable things a resistance has to do to be able to win. So it’s a lot easier to side with the resistance in Star Wars when they’re just fighting conventionally against the empire. I think a much better depiction of resistance can be seen in Star Trek Deep Space Nine with the Bajorans. They fought the Cardasians in a guerilla war which often led to civilians on both sides being killed. It’s a lot more murky but the Bajorans are still unequivocally viewed as the good guys since it was the only way to resist and get rid of the Cardasians and stop them from killing their people.

  • Ah got it so we need to be like Trump’s base and ignore any problems Biden has because that encourages people not to vote. /s

    You can call out problems with Biden and acknowledge how that is gonna make left leaning people not want to vote for him and average people not care enough to go out and vote at all without supporting not voting for him.

  • I literally said that none of that was how I personally felt. It’s just observations I’ve made from looking at polls and talking to people who are less engaged in politics. I’m still voting for Biden and want him to win. I’m just giving reasons how Biden currently isn’t doing good among voters who are getting fatigued with the whole “most important election ever” rhetoric. And yes there are other issues the Democrats use for messaging like abortion which is a very popular point but on more recent issues like the war in Gaza (which he looks bad on no matter what side of the issue you’re on) he has been loosing support from younger voters which are a pretty key demographic if he wants to win. Then there’s the economy which even though everyone is saying it’s doing better most people I talk to are still spending more than before and wages haven’t gone up to match and plenty of people I know are struggling to get jobs after mass layoffs at various tech companies. These aren’t the kinds of things that might make someone vote for Trump but instead just check out of politics cause either option things are still gonna get worse. And on a final note people like you who immediately accuse anyone who criticizes Biden of wanting Trump to win aren’t helping, you just make the Biden side look crazy like the Trump side. I can want Biden to win to not have Trump in office while still criticizing Biden and wanting him to do better.

  • Yeah the problem is if you want to actually win you can’t just keep saying it’s the most important election and you have to vote for us or else over and over again. People will get desensitized eventually and stop caring and then the fascists will win. You have to do good things that make people want to vote for you and judging by public opinion Biden has not been doing the best at that. (This isn’t how I feel, I’m still gonna vote for him to stop Trump and I think people should vote for Biden. I’m just saying why average people who aren’t this dialed into politics aren’t gonna keep voting and that will be the downfall of Biden.)

  • Maybe it’s different from an outside point of view but most the people I know haven’t seen any of the benefits of the economy getting better. Inflation, while not rising as much anymore, still has stretched a lot of people thin as prices never went back down and wages didn’t rise to match. So people on the news say the economy is doing better and Biden is doing good but normal people are still having to spend more on essentials, having less to put away to savings than before. I definitely don’t think Trump would do any better at this but I can see why people would check out because of that, it’s yet another situation where both sides fail the people, which causes people to check out cause depending on your state having to take a day off work and stand in line for hours to vote for someone who will do not as bad as the other side is not appealing.

    Another thing as well is that I think in general average Americans can only pay attention to something for so long (look at how we started completely ignoring COVID as soon as the vaccine came around even though it kept spiking repeatedly). So if there isn’t some big draw like the attempt at student loan relief or roe v wade being overturned average people will stop caring and stop following politics. In general the message of vote for Democrats to stop bad things from happening has been starting to burn people out cause bad things have still been happening under Democrats, so they need to start actually pushing through good flashy policies like the student debt relief if they want to get these people to start caring again. (Also this is just all what I think from talking to people who aren’t as interested in following politics as me. I still plan on voting for Biden even though I’m very progressive cause there isn’t much other choice so I’m not advocating for not voting, just trying to reason why average people are checking out.)