• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I mean, you wouldn’t buy a sports car and then a month later post to a forum asking questions about how to tow a 40 foot camper with it, would you? You would research this stuff beforehand, or deal with the fact that it’s not compatible for that job. We can’t put Nvidias thumbs into a thumbscrew and force them to offer more Linux support, so that’s what we’re stuck with.

  • The only way to truly make a determination if a distro works for you is to actually try it out and use it. I’ve never listened to those people because they all have a favorite distro they will push on you for various reasons. I actually find Debian a breeze to use, and the vast majority of stuff meant for Ubuntu or Mint will work on fine on Debian, since it’s the base of both those distros.

  • Mint is OK for beginners, but definetly not for me, old ass pakages due to the Ubuntu LTS base

    What does that say about me, a guy who’s been using Linux since 2001 and uses Debian Stable? At a certain point you get sick and tired of dealing with bleeding edge bugs and just want a reliable, generic, standardized system you can depend on every day.

  • I can’t fucking imagine being this enraged about dumb stupid shit like this all the fucking time. I noticed this about a lot of right wingers. Whereas most centrists and leftists will just go about their day like a normal fucking person, to a conservative, every god damn thing is politically against them and something to spend angry energy on. Politics is literally all some of them know.

    Like literally, Ill be in a casual conversation at work, completely unrelated to politics, like talking about how shitty the drivers in the city are, and some goddamn conservative will pop up and start blaming the “woke libruls” for it. I imagine them shouting at imaginary strawmen whenever they stub their toes (yes, I know that’s also a strawman, but I’m sticking to it).

    The worst are the racist ones who will start spouting racist shit at you just because you’re also white, so they think you’re “one of them”.

    Edit: reminds me of this https://i.imgur.com/EPHhxAB.png