Everything is politics.
Everything is politics.
I have recently added Tokyo Godfathers into my holiday mix. My wife cries every time despite “hating animated movies”.
But my culture!
I wasn’t.
I love the “no ethical consumption” cop out. You don’t see them making the same argument in favor of child labor or slavery.
Suddenly I’m in favor of ethnic cleansing?
That is not how you write an ‘s’ in cursive.
The disconnect of needing an animal to be cared for and loved before putting it in a sandwich because you’re peckish is wild.
I like to pop the top, drain out the syrup on the ground, and then tip the whole cup into my mouth and let those slimy cubes just slip on down.
This is not a joke: I had a coworker say almost this exact thing to me a month ago, and just last week he discovered that he has gout because he eats steak every day.
The real test is to ask about Cuba.