I’ll let them know
I’ll let them know
A lot of people have mentioned this, so I’ve been looking into it. How easy would it be to do these mods myself?
The difference is personal preference and values
The issue with our retro stores is that they look up prices on eBay to set their prices and the first result when looking up Symphony of the Night is $150, so their price is $125 to be “cheaper” than the market price.
That’s what I’m talking about!
For burning to a disc from GOG, is there a way to do that with the old consoles? I have all of the PlayStations, because I have never liked playing on my PC. I wasn’t allowed to play many of the games that came out on PS1 or PS2 growing up, and now that I have some sort of disposable income, I want to check out the stuff I missed out on. The issue is that those are the games that scalpers love. If there was a way to bypass them on the games like Silent Hill or Diablo I would love that.
I know that emulation is good for preservation and accessibility and I am all for it. My preference for physical media comes from wanting to support the mom and pop local stores and, while convenient, I don’t like to have everything stored on a hard drive. All of the consoles I own work perfectly fine and I think it would be a waste for them to rot away in a landfill. Or worse yet, to gather dust on a shelf, unused as some collectors item to be shown off like a taxidermied elk.
Too many people are afraid of dying
The no box and no manual postings drive me mad. Firstly, I kept all of that stuff because it’s fun to look at and reread the manual after years of not touching it, so it just boggles me that so many people immediately threw those things away and slipped the disc into a sleeve. But secondly, how are you going to sit there and tell me your loose, scratched up, sugar encrusted copy of Armored Core is worth over $100?