Toilet licking is especially stupid because different part of our body deal differently with the same bacteria. For example bacteria that are beneficial in your colon are most likely very much detrimental anywhere else. Training your immune system against colon bacteria is beyond stupid. Wouldn’t be surprised if that could lead to all kinds of issues.
Thinking there is any excuse or justification for rape, murder and genocide IS the larger problem. People are accountable for their actions regardless of circumstances.
No, you are not allowed to rape kids, kill them and then drag their bodies through cheering crowds because you feel oppressed. What is that even supposed to accomplish? Especially considering the eradication of the Israelian state and population is the stated goal?
Israel essentially has the choice between fighting back or roll over and die. It’s ridiculous to believe Israel is at fault for this hatred, Jews have been hated and discriminated against in that region for far longer than the Israelian state existed.