• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Acceptance.

    Accept that you are imperfect.

    Accept that all humans are imperfect.

    Give light apologies out of respect if necessary, but know that you did what you could and it’s ok that you failed to do more, so don’t take the failure to heart.

    Life is short, and living in anxiety takes away your quality of life like a sickness.

    If guilt doesn’t improve your life, then it needs to be cut out.

    Your happiness is more important than someone else getting a prompt answer.

    Respect yourself.

  • I think it makes evolutionary sense why a female in their peak of childbearing age would be attractive. But just because there is attraction doesn’t mean that it should be acted upon.

    Personally, I can appreciate the beauty of a young adult, but they are not sexually attractive to me because I seek intimacy, and I know that a young adult’s mind is not mature enough to connect with me on that level.

    Each of us should strive to surpass our base animalistic desires and replace them with carefully thought out ethical standards that make us proud of ourselves.

    I doubt that it would benefit a young persons development to date someone much older than them. Although, I do accept that we learn mostly from mistakes.

  • Very often a couple will start off with the idea that they don’t want children and then have that belief challenged down the line when faced with things like a surprise pregnancy, a failed vasectomy, a realization of ones own desires etc.

    Governments make laws based around scale. So needs of the many vs needs of the few, and the risk of people subverting the process and causing unimaginable pain by giving birth to children with serious defects IMO outweighs the benefit of those who would honor the process.

    Besides the taboo nature of an incestuous relationship, it can have real impact on a governments role in social programs and acting on the best interests of its citizens.

    People cannot be trusted when it comes to babies.